Second Look Sabbath Seminars / Faith and Science
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Paul Giem on Genesis Not Meant as Literal? 3-7-2020: In The American Biology Teacher, a journal of the National Association of Biology Teachers, an article dealing with carbon-14 in dinosaur bone argued that Genesis was not meant to be taken as literal, according to what became orthodox theology. Two references are cited, one of which is easily available. That thesis is examined. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 |
Paul Giem on Radiocarbon in Dinosaur Fossils 2-29-2020: The American Biology Teacher, a journal of the National Association of Biology Teachers, recently had an article with the above title as their lead article, in an issue on evolution. The article concedes that carbon-14 can be found in dinosaur bone, but argues that it is all contamination. That thesis is examined. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | MP4 |
Warren Johns on Volcanic Events and Old Testament Chronology 2-22-2020: The young-earth creationist who has studied bristlecone pine chronology (BCP) the most, John Woodmorappe, makes the statement that "no obvious grounds exist for questioning the overall validity of the BCP long chronologies." The BCP and European oak chronologies provide a very reliable sequence for the last 4000 years. In 1158-1141 B.C. there is an 18-year famine with reduced rings that is linked to the time of Jephthah. In 1627-1621 B.C. there is a 7-year famine linked to the time of Joseph. Both dates can be used to date the Exodus and much earlier the "Eisodus" (Jacob's going into Egypt). [1, 2, 3] | MP4 |
Paul Giem on Polarity in Dipteroid Eggs 2-15-2020: A recent article in eLife gives evidence that there is an "unexpected diversity" in the way different species of insects mark the head end of their eggs, raising the question of how they evolve this function. One might instead raise the question of whether they evolved this function. [1, 2] | MP4 |
Paul Giem on Africans and Neanderthals
2-8-2020: A recent
article in Cell argues that there is some Neanderthal
DNA in Africans and that some (but not all) of it got there
via Europeans migrating back to Africa. The article also
argues that previous belief that Africans did not have
Neanderthal DNA was based on methodologically flawed
studies. The field needs more research and caution is urged
in adopting firm conclusions at this time. [1, 2
or 2] |
MP4 |
Paul Giem on Ancient African DNA 2-1-2020: A recent article in Nature notes that DNA has been obtained and sequenced from skulls in Africa up to 7,000 radiocarbon years old. The implications of this find for research on ancient DNA are explored. [1 or 1, 2] | MP4 |
Paul Giem on Pseudogenes and Function (Part 2) 1-25-2020: Continuation of a review of a recent article in Nature Reviews Genetics (or HERE) argues the term "pseudogene" should be downplayed if not replaced, because it implies a lack of function and discourages research into possible functions. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 |
Paul Giem on Pseudogenes and Function (Part 1) 1-18-2020: A recent article in Nature Reviews Genetics (or HERE) argues that the term "pseudogene" should be downplayed if not replaced, because it implies a lack of function and discourages research into possible functions. The case could be made that this is accurate, but that some of the other choices suffer the same drawback. Long-term observers of genetics may remember that the concept of pseudogene has served as an effective anti-theological rhetorical device. An article by Gary Gilbert in Spectrum and the response of Jim Gibson in Origins are referenced. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 |
Paul Giem on Cancerous Germs? 1-11-2020: Ellen White makes reference to "cancerous germs" with regard to meat eating. How much stock should we put in such statements and is there scientific evidence that such things exist? [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Y Chromosomes in Chimps and Humans Are Horrendously Different 1-4-2020: The human and chimpanzee Y chromosomes are "horrendously different" according to David Page. We will revisit the evidence, include new evidence, and I will suggest a research program. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Y Chromosome Adam Revisited 12-28-2019: A recent article in Answers Research Journal claims that the age of Y Chromosome Adam has been grossly overestimated and that the best data give an age of around 4,500 years. The evidence behind this claim is evaluated. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Dinosaur
Bone, Biofilm, and Carbon-14 12-21-2019: A recent
article claimed that the organic material found in
dinosaur bone is most likely biofilm left by microbes.
Part of the evidence is that the material has a finite
carbon-14 date, thus cannot be 65+ million years old. The
implications of these data are discussed. [1,
2] |
Paul Giem on Designed CO2 Fixation in E. coli 12-14-2019: A recent article and accompanying press release detailed an experiment that resulted in Escherichia coli being able to get essentially all of its carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere. This was alleged to be a major step forward in organisms being able to reduce CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, thus helping reduce global warming. The paper also claimed to demonstrate what evolution can accomplish. Those claims are examined. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Pope Francis and Fundamentalism 12-7-2019: Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) recently spoke out against fundamentalism. What did the Pope mean when he said that and is he right? [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on How
Firm a Climate Foundation? 11-30-2019: Global
warming has been used to argue for the redistribution of
wealth (the Green New Deal) and for Sunday rest (as noted
2 weeks ago). The question addressed is: Can global
warming support either of those philosophical/religious
ends? [1,
27] |
Paul Giem on The Sacrament of Abortion 11-23-2019: Some rather strange phenomena, like the recent advocacy of abortion up to and past birth and the turning down of millions of dollars in order to keep the abortion business going, suggest that part of the drive for abortion is quasi-religious. The new Adventist policy on abortion is also discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Pope Francis and Climate Change 11-16-2019: Pope Francis recently sent out an encyclical, entitled Laudato Sí, in which he argued that climate change is real and that the solution requires social change. Some have noted that part of his recommendations included rest on Sundays and they are concerned that this could lead to mandatory Sunday laws. The encyclical and its assumptions are evaluated. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on Capitan “Reef”: Firm Science, or Apprehensive Conjecture? (Part 2) 11-9-2019: Famed and controversial Capitan Reef is likely the most studied fossil reef in the world. What is the evidence that it ever was a reef? What implications about the reliability of scientific research can be deduced from this comprehensive example? [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on Capitan “Reef”: Firm Science, or Apprehensive Conjecture? (Part 1) 11-2-2019: Famed and controversial Capitan Reef is likely the most studied fossil reef in the world. What is the evidence that it ever was a reef? What implications about the reliability of scientific research can be deduced from this comprehensive example? [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Monarchs,
Milkweed, and Michael Behe 10-26-2019: We just
finished a review of Darwin Devolves by Michael
Behe in which he argues that most evolutionary adaptations
are actually destructive of information. A paper came out
just this month detailing the precise biological mechanism
that enables monarch butterflies to feed on milkweed and
protect themselves from predators. The mechanism turns out
to be destructive of information, illustrating Behe's
point. [1,
or 2] |
Jack Stout on Darwin Devolves (or Unravels) - Part 2 10-19-2019: Modern molecular biology (good science) opens the heart of evolutionary theory to scrutiny. In Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution Michael Behe focuses on the genetic and protein changes that would have to be involved, why most are negative (loss of function changes), and how they can be measured. . . . This second part applies the principles developed in the first part. [1 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Jack Stout on Darwin Devolves (or Unravels) - Part 1 10-12-2019: Modern molecular biology (good science) opens the heart of evolutionary theory to scrutiny. In Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution Michael Behe focuses on the genetic and protein changes that would have to be involved, why most are negative (loss of function changes), and how they can be measured. He reinforces the skeptic's insight into the extreme improbability of neoDarwinian evolutionary changes at or above the taxonomic level of family. He leaves us with design as by far the best supported proposal! This first part largely lays the groundwork for the second part. [1 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Sean Pitman on Brilliant
and Beautiful, but Wrong 10-5-2019: At first
approximation the Theory of Evolution, or modern
Neo-Darwinism, certainly appears to be very reasonable -
even brilliant and beautiful in the way it explains the
data we see within living things in this world. However,
despite its brilliance and beauty as a scientific theory,
it starts to crumble upon closer examination - in favor of
intelligent design. |
Paul Giem on Darwin, Peacocks, and Beauty 9-28-2019: Darwin once remarked to Asa Gray that a peacock tail feather made him sick. In fact, beauty for its own sake cannot be accounted for by unguided evolution and strongly suggests design. The problem of design (peacocks' feathers in particular) will be explored. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 5, 6, 7] | MP4 OGV |
Warren Johns on Fossil Forests: Two Sides of the Debate (Part 2) 9-21-2019: Every debate has two sides. The two sides here are whether the fossil forests are found in situ, being preserved today where they originally grew, or whether they were transported in from elsewhere, such as during a cataclysm. Last week we looked at some of the best evidences for the possibility of a few forests being in situ. This week we will look at the best evidences and models for explaining these forests as being transported and not in situ, starting with the Yellowstone Fossil Forest. One model held by creation scientists today is the floating forest model, whereby antediluvian forests were growing on huge floating islands and then transported by the Flood to their present location. Related to that is the floating log mat model, whereby thousands of trees were uprooted and transported to their present location, like today's trees in Spirit Lake, Mount St. Helens. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Warren Johns on Fossil Forests: Two Sides of the Debate 9-14-2019: One of the hottest debates among creationists in the 20th century has been the debate over the fossil forests of Yellowstone National Park. Most studies done by creationists on that site were completed in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Since that time, dozens of fossil forests have been described in the scientific literature, all of which have some trees standing upright. The question is whether the trees grew in the present positions where they are now found or whether they were washed into their positions catastrophically. Both sides of the question will be discussed. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on C. S. Lewis on Higher Criticism 9-7-2019: C. S. Lewis was reticent to criticize fellow Christians. His one criticism, while put very softly, concerned Higher Criticism. He compared it with modern literary criticism, which he knew well as a subject and therefore thought inaccurate, and suggested that Higher Criticism had less authority. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - B. B. Warfield 8-31-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 31 Fred Zaspel argues that while B. B. Warfield was "open" to theistic evolution, the conditions that he put on such an evolution (in order to be considered as reasonable by fundamentalist Christianity) would put it outside the range of the modern consensus of theistic evolution. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Historical Christian Doctrine 8-24-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 30 Gregg R. Allison argues that theistic evolution is incompatible with all the historical doctrinal standards that address the questions where TE takes a stand. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - The New Testament 8-17-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 29 Guy Prentiss Waters argues that the creation account is assumed by the New Testament and some aspects of creation, particularly the righteous nature of man at creation and the fall, are central to New Testament theology. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - The Old Testament (Part 2) 8-10-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 28 John D. Currid argues that the creation account cannot be explained away without doing violence to the text. We will cover the last 3 sections of the chapter: The Figurative and Theological Model, The Sequential Scheme, and Etiology as Methodology. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - The Old Testament (Part 1) 8-3-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 28 John D. Currid argues that the creation account cannot be explained away without doing violence to the text. We will cover the first 2 sections of the chapter: The Functional Model and Genesis 1-3 as Myth. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - TE Undermines Christian Doctrines (Part 2) 7-27-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 27 Wayne Grudem argues that theistic evolutionists commonly hold 12 beliefs that conflict with the teachings of the Bible. We will cover beliefs 5-12 this week. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - TE Undermines Christian Doctrines (Part 1) 7-20-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 27 Wayne Grudem argues that theistic evolutionists commonly hold 12 beliefs that conflict with the teachings of the Bible. We will cover the first 4 of those beliefs this week and the last 8 next week. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic
Evolution Critique - C. S. Lewis on Evolution
7-13-2019: The book Theistic
Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and
Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter
26 John G. West argues that C. S. Lewis' belief was a
variant of intelligent design, rather than theistic
evolution. [1,
2] |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - The Origin of Moral Conscience 7-6-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 25 Tapio Puolimatka argues that theistic evolution cannot account for the development of moral conscience. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Bringing Home the Bacon 6-29-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 24 Colin R. Reeves argues that theistic evolutionists have adopted a view of the relationship between science and religion similar to that of Roger Bacon. That view differs in important ways from the views of other early prominent scientists. It has resulted in science being able to dictate that certain religious views, including previously fundamental ones, are unacceptable. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - The Problem of Natural Evil 6-22-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 23 Garrett J. DeWeese argues that ID-unfriendly theistic evolution commonly does not even try to solve the problem of natural evil, whereas creationism has a ready solution. His proposed solution works well as part of a more complete solution for young life creationism. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Discussion following "Who Defines What is Real?" 6-15-2019: Anita Oliver presents and leads a discussion of a video by J. P. Moreland with the above title on the subject of philosophical objections to theistic evolution. Specifically, the damage that theistic evolution can do to Biblical authority and Christian confidence is addressed. In addition, the question of when one is justified in going against the opinion of the majority of experts in a given specialized field is raised. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - God's Action in the World 6-8-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 22 C. John Collins explores a philosophy/theology that makes sense of miracles without denying or denigrating God's activity in "natural" events. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Theistic Evolution and Christians 6-1-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 21 J. P. Moreland argues that going the route of theistic evolution robs the Bible of authority and kicks Christianity out of the realm of plausibility. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - How to Lose a Battleship 5-25-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 20 Stephen Dilley argues that methodological naturalism does not allow God-talk, and therefore does not allow the best arguments for evolution. Additionally, theistic evolutionists should discard it if they wish to use scientific arguments against the "intervention" of God in nature, for example, as proposed by ID advocates. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Methodological Naturalism 5-18-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 19 Stephen Meyer and Paul Nelson argue that methodological naturalism is not philosophically justified, cannot be justified by its results, and in fact hinders the search for truth. Therefore, there is good reason for theistic evolutionists to reject it. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Science Needs Philosophy 5-11-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 18 J. P. Moreland argues that philosophy is independent of science and is more authoritative than science in areas where they seem to conflict. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Bias in Science 5-4-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 17 Christopher Shaw points out that pressure to conform, which is endemic due to the conservative tendencies of peer review of papers and performance, leads naturally to bias in science and that such biased science need not be determinative for philosophical/theological questions. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Population Genetics 4-27-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 16 Ola Hossjer, Ann Gauger, and Colin Reeves discuss claims that the human population had to always be at least 10,000 people and could never have been a single couple, proposing an alternative model that is compatible with an original single couple. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Human Uniqueness 4-20-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 15 Ann Gauger, Ola Hossjer, and Colin Reeves discuss the myth of humans being 99% chimpanzee and point out marked differences that are well beyond the probabilistic resources of the standard time invoked to explain. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Human Origins, Missing Transitions 4-13-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 13 Ann Gauger introduces chapters 14-16. Chapter 14 (by Casey Luskin) examines the fossil record of hominids and states that there are no true transitional fossils between apes and humans. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Five Questions 4-6-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 12 by Paul Nelson, the idea of universal common descent (UCD) is examined using common concepts from the philosophy of science. It is noted that UCD can only be supported if design by intelligence is first ruled out. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Universal Common Descent 3-30-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 11 by Casey Luskin, the concept of universal common descent is examined from the point of view of biogeography, descent tree construction, and embryology. Major weaknesses are noted. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - The Fossil Record 3-23-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 10 by Gunter Bechly and Stephen Meyer, the fossil record is examined and noted not to be consistent with universal common descent and the question is raised as to why Christians should import common descent into their view of science. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Embryology 3-16-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 9 by Sheena Tyler, evidence from embryology that challenges evolutionary theory is presented. [1] | MP4 OGV |
John "Jack" Stout on Origins in the Andrews University Biology Major: 1985-2005 3-9-2019: We previously discussed the impact of serving our biology majors in a Christian centered program and the impact that these approaches, and the resulting supportive environment, had on our majors' success. This current presentation continues the previous discussion (on serving biology majors in a Christian program and the impacts identified) by focusing on the integration of origins and design into the whole program in ways that combine support for the Genesis account with "good science." | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis 3-2-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 8 by Stephen Meyer, Ann Gauger, and Paul Nelson, the idea that neo-Darwinian evolution can be supplemented (or replaced) by some other mechanism to save its explanatory power without jettisoning materialism is critiqued in some detail. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Front End Loading, Epigenetics 2-23-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 6 by Stephen Meyer, the idea that God set up the universe so that evolution could unfold without interference, as presented by Denis Lamoreaux, is critiqued. In chapter 7 by Jonathan Wells, the point is made that other sources of information are required for life, so that classical neo-Darwinian evolution is inadequate. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - First Life, Digital Evolution 2-16-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 4 by James Tour (a synthetic chemist) the extreme difficulty producing ribose (necessary for the "RNA world") is noted. In chapter 5 by Winston Ewert, computer simulations and their non-support of unguided evolution is noted. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Without a Mechanism 2-9-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 3 by Matti Leisola, whose job is to create organisms that produce commercially exploitable metabolites, the futility of trying to create anything remotely complicated by random mutations and natural selection is noted, along with the obvious design implications. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Biological Form and Information 2-2-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 2 Stephen Meyer argues Christians should not accept Darwinian or neo-Darwinian evolution (which is gradualist by its nature), because it cannot account for biological explosions in the fossil record, the information to create those explosions, or the tightly integrated genetic circuits needed to create a new body plan. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - 3 Reasons to Reject Darwin 1-26-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. In chapter 1 Douglas Axe argues that accepting Darwinism carries substantial costs (including apologetic ones), that Darwinism is implausible, and that the arguments for Christians accepting Darwinism are confused. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Chris Rupe on New Book Shows that Fossil Record Supports Biblical View of Human Origins 1-19-2019: An update to the book Contested Bones (2017), which discusses hominins ("ape-men" or "missing links"), specifically discussing new findings about Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy's kind) is being prepared by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford. Those findings seriously undermine the fundamental assumption of the traditional ape-to-man story. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution Critique - Introduction 1-12-2019: The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique is reviewed. We start with the forward and two introductions that provide an overview of the book. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on 505 Million Year Old Chitin 1-5-2019: It is now documented that we can find original biomolecules that go back to the Cambrian. One can ask the question, "How long can chitin last?" In addition, a radiocarbon date has been done on this material and published in the "peer-reviewed" literature. The answer is expected by creationists and the anomaly is ignored by believers in long ages. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Craig Wescoe on The Obligate Carnivore Hypothesis and the Genesis Account of Creation 12-29-2018: What does it mean for an animal to be an obligate carnivore? The hypothesis that certain kinds of animals require consumption of other animals to survive has recently been challenged through laboratory experimentation, primarily on cats. In light of the results of these findings, we examine whether the data better support a long life evolutionary view of animals or the biblical account of short life intelligent design laid out in Genesis. [1, 2, 3, 4 or 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Ichthyosaur Tissue Discovered 12-22-2018: We will look at the latest article by Mary Schweitzer, on original material from a 180 million year old ichthyosaur. This is twice the age of her previous material. Implications are discussed. [1 or 1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution (Part 8 - Antibiotic Resistance & Cancer) 12-15-2018: We are looking at the book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells, chapter 9 on zombie apocalypse (how zombie science destroys science) this week. The book discusses memes that have been figuratively killed in Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, but continue to move as if they are still alive in textbooks. [1 or , 2 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution (Part 7 - Antibiotic Resistance & Cancer) 12-8-2018: We are looking at the book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells, chapter 8 on antibiotic resistance and cancer this week. The book discusses memes that have been figuratively killed in Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, but continue to move as if they are still alive in textbooks. [1 or , 2 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution (Part 6 - The Human Eye) 12-1-2018: We are looking at the book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells, chapter 7 on the human eye this week. The book discusses memes that have been figuratively killed in Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, but continue to move as if they are still alive in textbooks. [1 or , 2 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Sean Pitman on Interesting
Health Claims of the Bible 11-24-2018: This talk is
about how certain concepts in the Bible made little
scientific sense until fairly recent discoveries were made
dealing with epigenetics, including diet, fasting, and
even prayer. |
Sean Pitman on The
Pale Blue Dot 11-17-2018: This talk is about how an
extreme level of significance or importance can be hiding
within something that is apparently extremely
insignificant. The example of the photograph of Earth from
Voyager 1 is used as a starting place. [1] |
Paul Giem on Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution (Part 5 - Appendix & Other "Junk") 11-3-2018: We are looking at the book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells, chapter 6 on the appendix and other "junk" this week. The book discusses memes that have been figuratively killed in Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, but continue to move as if they are still alive in textbooks. [1 or , 2 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution (Part 4 - Fossil Whales) 11-3-2018: We are looking at the book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells, chapter 5 on fossil whales this week. The book discusses memes that have been figuratively killed in Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, but continue to move as if they are still alive in textbooks. [1 or , 2 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution (Part 3) 10-20-2018: We are looking at the book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells, the last part of chapter 3 and chapter 4 this week. The book discusses memes that have been figuratively killed in Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, but continue to move as if they are still alive in textbooks. [1 or , 2 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution (Part 2) 10-13-2018: We are looking at the book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution by Jonathan Wells, the first 2/3 of chapter 3 this week. The book discusses memes that have been figuratively killed in Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, but continue to move as if they are still alive in textbooks. [1 or , 2 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Zombie
Science: More Icons of Evolution (Part 1) 10-6-2018:
We are looking at the book Zombie
Science: More Icons of Evolution by Jonathan
Wells, starting with chapters 1 & 2 of the book. The
book discusses memes that have been figuratively killed in
of Evolution: Science or Myth?, but continue
to move as if they are still alive in textbooks. The
evidence behind this charge is examined. [1
or , 2
or ] |
Paul Giem on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria - The Backlash 9-29-2018: A recent paper explored the reported phenomenon of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), in which people who have not acted gender dysphoric during childhood do so during adolescence or early adulthood. We reviewed the paper last week. After several people complained, PLoS ONE sent the paper back for review and Brown University took down their notice of publication and put up a page stating that the paper was under review. The rationales for those decisions are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria - The Paper 9-22-2018: A recent paper explored the reported phenomenon of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), in which people who have not acted gender dysphoric during childhood do so during adolescence or early adulthood. There are noted differences from the classical picture of gender dysphoria, including largely female biological sex in ROGD, clusters of cases, and websites that apparently encourage narratives to parents and professional that don't fit verifiable facts. The author recognized limitations of the study, which has, perhaps not surprisingly, stirred up a firestorm of criticism. The evidence in the paper will be discussed. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Jesus and Creation 9-15-2018: The attitude of Jesus toward the Old Testament (particularly the first 2 chapters of Genesis) is explored. The fit between that attitude and the controversy over whether love exists is also explored. [1] | MP4 OGV |
John "Jack" Stout on Biology in a Christian Environment: Does it Promote Student Success? 9-8-2018: A program developed by the Andrews University Biology faculty promoted student success in an environment of faith through fostering critical thinking, providing extensive faculty mentoring, involving students with extra-class teacher assistance, and experiencing undergraduate research (with student financial support by the university). External grants were welcomed, but not required, and expectations for publishing in peer reviewed journals were modest. The program appeared to be a success for the students and attracted support by the National Science Foundation for evaluation of the program. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Philosophy of Science and Theology 8-25-2018: Science has sometimes been thought of as ruling out a conservative approach to theology, either because of the facts it uncovers or because it requires methodological naturalism, which rules out any miracles. These arguments are discussed in the context of the philosophy of science and the difficulty of the demarcation problem. [1 or 1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Eye - Histology 8-18-2018: It has been alleged that the eye is wired backwards, as there are several layers of cells in front of the retina, and that a really good engineer (such as God) would not have started with that design. The strength of that argument is evaluated. [1 or 1, 2 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] | MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on Eyes and Evolution 8-11-2018: A discussion of the persistent battle about the evolution of the eye. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Eye - Biochemistry 8-4-2018: Arguments about the design of the eye from anatomy are incomplete, and therefore inconclusive. The biochemistry of the eye supports a much better argument for design, from the appearance of design and irreducible complexity. Further scrutiny reinforces this argument. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Eye - Anatomy 7-28-2018: Argument about the design of the eye goes back before Darwin. Darwin's answer was frequent small modifications. This has been amplified by Nilssen and Pelger. The argument is incomplete, but adequate to buttress the faith of a materialist. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4, 5 or 5, 6 or 6, 7, 8, 9 or 9 or 9] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on RNA Encryption? 7-21-2018: A press release speaks about the encryption of RNA. The article seems to be more about extra signals added to the genetic code. The evidence and implications are discussed. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Humans in North America for 130,000 Years? 7-14-2018: An article last year argued that humans had been in the New World (specifically at Chula Vista, CA) some 130,000 years ago, about 10 times the previous age of humans in the New World. The evidence and implications are discussed. [1, 2 or 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Space Octopodes 7-7-2018: A recent article proposed that octopodes came from outer space and that the Cambrian explosion was caused by DNA arriving from space. The reasons why this apparently outlandish proposal was made will be discussed. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Mitochondrial Bar Codes 6-30-2018: A recent article argues that the sequencing of a short segment of mitochondrial DNA, the so-called mitochondrial bar code, is a useful way of distinguishing species from each other and assigning individuals to a particular species. The article goes on to note that some 90% of species arose within the last 100,000 to 200,000 years. When historical mutation rates are taken into account, this implies that the mothers of all species probably go back some 4,000 to 10,000 years. The implications are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 19 - Chapter 14 "A Simpler Model" [Part 2] and "Conclusions") 6-23-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 18 - Chapter 14 "A Simpler Model" [Part 1]) 6-16-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
John Jovan Markovic on Emergent Christianity: Contemporary Trends in Spirituality 6-9-2018: Emergent Christianity (AKA the Emerging Church) will be discussed, including its relation to Theistic Evolution, Mysticism, Ecumenical unity, the concept of worldview, the Second Vatican Council, and the new theology school of thought. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested
Bones (Part 17 - Chapter 13 "Genetic Evidence" [Part 3])
5-26-2018: Contested
Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford)
is the result of four years of intense research into the
primary scientific literature concerning those bones that
are thought to represent transitional forms between ape
and man. [1,
3] |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 16 - Chapter 13 "Genetic Evidence" [Part 2]) 5-26-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 15 - Chapter 13 "Genetic Evidence" [Part 1]) 5-19-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 14 - Chapter 12 "Dating Methods" [Part 3 - Dating and Re-dating the KBS Tuff]) 5-12-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 13 - Chapter 12 "Dating Methods" [Part 2 - U-Th/U-Pb/14C]) 5-5-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 12 - Chapter 12 "Dating Methods" [Part 1 - K-Ar/Ar-Ar]) 4-28-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 11 - Chapter 11 "Coexistence: Australopith and Man") 4-21-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on Geologic Evidence for the Catastrophic Genesis Flood 4-14-2018: There are a number of features of the rock record that challenge formation by local deposition over the putative millions of years postulated for their formation. These features are more easily explained in the context of the great Genesis Flood. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 10 - Chapter 10 "Homo naledi") 4-7-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 9 - Chapter 9 "Australopithecus sediba") 3-31-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 8 - Chapter 8 "Homo habilis") 3-24-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 7 - Chapter 7 "Ardipithecus ramidus") 3-17-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 6 - Chapter 6 "Australopithecus afarensis") 3-10-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 5 - Chapter 5 "Homo floresiensis") 3-3-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Bible and Genetic Science 2-24-2018: The American Journal of Human Genetics ran an article in 2017 that alleged the Bible stated the Israelites destroyed the Canaanites. Therefore, believers in the Bible should expect that no Canaanites survived until the present day. This contrasted with their genetic data strongly suggesting that descendants of Canaanites survived around the city of Sidon. A letter disputing this argument (and a reply by the original authors) have now been published. Suggestions for further research are made. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 4 - Chapter 4 "Homo erectus") 2-17-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 3 - Chapter 3 "Homo neanderthalensis") 2-10-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 2 - Chapter 2 "A Theory in Crisis") 2-3-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Contested Bones (Part 1 - Prologue and Chapter 1 "Power of the Paradigm") 1-27-2018: Contested Bones (by Christopher Rupe and John Sanford) is the result of four years of intense research into the primary scientific literature concerning those bones that are thought to represent transitional forms between ape and man. This book's title reflects the surprising reality that all the famous "hominin" bones continue to be fiercely contested today - even within the field of paleoanthropology. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Evolution is Not Inevitable 1-20-2018: A paper has just been published in the peer-reviewed literature (Journal of Mathematical Biology) arguing that R. A. Fisher's mathematical proof of evolution's inevitability relied on unrealistic assumptions. When more realistic assumptions are used evolution is replaced by degeneration. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Blinded by Belief 1-13-2018: An article supporting the RNA World hypothesis by a Nobel Prize-winning chemist had to be retracted last year because results could not be reproduced. The lead author commented that he and his colleagues were "blinded by our belief." The research itself and belief that can blind people are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Your Inner Neanderthal 1-6-2018: A recent article in American Journal of Human Genetics attempts to assess the contribution of Neanderthal genes to modern human characteristics. It turns out that skin color contributions were mostly a wash, whereas moodiness, sleep patterns, and smoking are related to Neanderthal genes and red hair may not by. The claim is made that we are 2% Neanderthal, whereas elsewhere the claim is made that we are 99% chimpanzee, yet we apparently interbred with Neanderthals and not with chimps. Caution is urged in accepting those numbers as real. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Joshua's Long Day Solved? 12-30-2017: An article in Astronomy & Geophysics argues that Joshua's Long Day was caused by an eclipse of the sun in 1207 BCE. The rationale for such a conclusion is discussed, along with the limitations of that line of thought. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Questioning Copernican Mediocrity 12-23-2017: An article was published in American Scientist arguing that the concept we are on an average planet going around an average star in an average position in an average galaxy is a misleading description of our status in the universe and that our astronomical position is special. The argument was made outside the Intelligent Design community. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Quantum Mechanics - The Zero Worlds Interpretation 12-16-2017: Quantum mechanics has been interpreted as describing particles that become waves, then collapse to particles again either because of measurement or because of consciousness (the Copenhagen interpretation). It has been interpreted as describing particles that are guided by waves (the Bohm interpretation). It has been interpreted as describing multiple universes that split from each other every time a quantum event occurs. Perhaps the most interesting interpretation says that the observers are entangled with quantum events in such a way that the "real world" isn't really real and information takes precedence over such concepts as time, space, matter, and energy, which are therefore derivative. Closely related is the idea that we live in a "simulation." Arguments supporting or detracting from such interpretations are explored. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Quantum Mechanics - How Big Can You Get? 12-9-2017: It has been known that light behaves like a wave since the Young 2-slit experiment discussed in 1803. Since then, electrons, atoms, molecules with 60 carbon atoms, and even larger more complex molecules have been shown to go through 2-slit apparati and interfere with themselves. Quantum effects that make no mechanical sense can be demonstrated by particles visible under a microscope. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Quantum Mechanics - Erasing the Past 12-2-2017: Quantum correlations have been used to argue that where something is at a given time may depend on how we measure it. Otherwise indivisible particles can be in two places at the same time. This makes local theories of the universe invalid. But the claim is made that future measurements can affect the past. Is that claim true? Does it relate to the theological dispute about predestination? [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Fibonacci Numbers and Nature 11-25-2017: Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Ratio have been found in art to be a classical pleasing set of numbers and ratio. But the numbers themselves are found all over nature, in striking ways, where they are not required for survival. The implications for design are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Sean Pitman on The Science of Miracles 11-18-2017: Is there any scientific basis (questions - testable with falsifiable hypotheses) to believe in miracles (and thus God)? | MP4 OGV |
Roger Seheult on God's Signature - The Fermi Paradox Answered (Part 2 of 2) 11-11-2017: (See description below.) [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Roger Seheult on God's Signature - The Fermi Paradox Answered (Part 1 of 2) 11-04-2017: In 1950 Enrico Fermi (discussing extra-terrestrials) asked, "Where is everybody?" If there are so many planets that could support life for so many years in the universe, why haven't they attempted to contact earth? Where are their radio signals? Thus the Fermi Paradox was recognized and SETI was established. Indeed, has earth been contacted? Is there an embedded coded signal that reveals the author of the messages? This presentation steps back and analyzes in a fresh way how a unique and detectable signature or code underlies, connects, and binds faith and science. It will encourage you to reassess your beliefs and lead you to a Grand Unifying Theological Theory. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Stem Cells and Parkinson's Disease 10-28-2017: Human stem cells have been tried in Parkinson's Disease, first from human embryos, then from stem cell lines, then from adult stem cells. It looks like the adult stem cells may work. The reasons for continuing to advocate for embryonic stem cells are examined. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] | MP4 OGV |
Ervin Taylor on Experiments to Examine if Radiocarbon Dating has a Problem Beyond 6,000-10,000 Years Before Present: Testing Robert Brown Hypothesis 10-21-2017: Carbon-14 dates, unless substantially reinterpreted, are incompatible with a traditional Adventist view of the history of life on earth. One reinterpretation, proposed first by Robert H. Brown, predicts that there should be trees in the 5,000 to 15,000 radiocarbon year range whose radiocarbon year dates increase substantially faster than their ring years. Finding such trees would give substantial support to Young Life Creationism. It is proposed that one such experiment be done. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Trilobite Guts and Evolution 10-14-2017: It is uncommon to find trilobite inner organs preserved, but the few specimens that have been preserved seemed to have lateral outpouchings early on and crops (large bulges in the gut at the front) later on. This led to the idea that crops evolved later. Now, an early adult specimen shows both crops and outpouchings, making it difficult to create an evolutionary pathway. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
George Javor on The Great Controversy Theme Sheds Light on the Conundrum of Our Solar System 10-7-2017: Here is an instance where the Adventist understanding of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan may shed light on the state of our cosmic subdivision, the solar system. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Keeping the Faith (Schweitzer dinosaur proteins and reactions) 9-30-2017: A recent article in Science discusses the career of Mary Schweitzer and the scientific community's reaction to it. Included is mention of Schweitzer's latest discovery of protein fragments published in Science. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Water
Bears and Evolution 9-23-2017: A
recent article in PLOS Biology notes that
tardigrades (water bears) have genetic affinities to
nematodes and other genetic affinities to arthropods. They
appear to have a composite genome, the kind that is easy
to explain given a designer, but not so easy to explain if
one is restricted to unguided evolution. [1,
3, 4, 5] |
Paul Giem on 5.7 Million Year Old Human Footprints 9-16-2017: A recent article in the Proceedings of the Geologists' Association reports on human-like footprints in Crete that are supposedly 5.7 million years old, antedating the drying up of the Mediterranean Sea that reportedly occurred 5.5 million years ago. This makes it difficult to explain human origins in a conventional evolutionary manner. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Redundant Pacemakers 9-9-2017: A recent article in Science Translational Medicine notes that the heart has several redundant pacemaker nodes ready to take over if the normal sinoatrial node fails to function. It is easy to see why a designer might create such a system, but hard to see how a process driven by immediate gain in function would create it. The implications of redundancy are discussed. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Circular RNA 9-2-2017: A recent article in science notes that absence of a circular RNA in mouse brains is associated with neurobehavioral disease. Our models of the brain are becoming more complex. Simple stories of previous years are not adequate to explain the facts. The implications for science and its interface with religion are discussed. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Genetic Science Disproves the Bible 8-26-2017: An article demonstrating that modern Sidonians are closely related to their ancestors states that the data being presented disproves the Biblical story that the Canaanites were all slaughtered at the command of God. The problem is that the Bible doesn't actually say the Canaanites were all slaughtered; in fact, it states the opposite. Why did the authors get the facts so wrong and why did most of their reviewers follow them? [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 14) 8-19-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 16 entitled "Connecting the Dots" discussing Douglas Ell's personal beliefs. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 13) 8-12-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 15 entitled "The Logic of Belief" discussing the "God of the gaps" argument and the argument that God is a science-stopper and part of chapter 16 entitled "Connecting the Dots" discussing Douglas Ell's personal beliefs. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 12) 8-5-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 14 entitled "A Foundation of Thought" on the implications of quantum mechanics. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Doug Plata on Faith and Technology 7-29-2017: Doug Plata will be discussing how the information age (the internet in particular) has impacted faith. As with most any technology, there are blessings and curses that arise as a result. Examples of how information technology has been used to spread the Gospel as well as how it has negatively impacted faith will be given. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Doug Plata on Technologic Revolutions and Faith 7-22-2017: The "fourth industrial revolution" technologies including robotics, 3D printing, and artificial intelligence are discussed. Some commentators are suggesting that these technologies will displace large portions of the workforce causing what is called "technologic unemployment." The technologies will be described and a discussion of God's purpose for work in our lives will ensue. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 11) 7-15-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 13 entitled "Our Special Earth" on the Privileged Planet hypothesis. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Y Chromosomes in Chimps and Humans are Horrendously Different 7-1-2017: The human and chimpanzee Y chromosomes are "horrendously different" according to David Page. We will revisit the evidence, include new evidence, and I will suggest a research program. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] | MP4 OVG |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 10) 6-24-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review the rest of chapter 12 on junk DNA, irreducible complexity, orphan genes, and human beings. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 9) 6-17-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review the first part of chapter 12 on puzzles of macroevolution. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 8) 6-10-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 11 on the technology of life. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 7) 6-3-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review the last part of chapter 10 on calculations regarding the origin of life. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 6) 5-27-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 10 on the origin of life. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 5) 5-20-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapters 8 and 9 on design in the universe and the multiverse. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 4) 5-13-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 7 on why there is anything at all. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 3) 5-6-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 6 on the great debate (including a discussion of probability) and also a personal note in chapter 5. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 2) 4-29-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will review chapter 4 on scientism and religion and chapter 5 on paradigms. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Counting to God (Part 1) 4-22-2017: A book by Douglas Ell that has positively impressed several Adventists is reviewed. The book details the personal journey of a mathematically inclined lawyer from atheism to belief, with science as a major driving force. We will begin with the first section (chapters 1-3), Setting the Stage. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Shape of Evolution 4-15-2017: Traditionally, evolution has been thought to yield greater diversity and disparity over time. A paper published in 2013 argues that the fossil record instead shows slightly decreasing disparity with time. The implications are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Carbon-14 and Real Time in Trees 4-8-2017: Young-life creationists have to either ignore carbon-14 dating or propose how the data could fit into a short age for life after the Flood. One proposal implies that carbon-14 concentrations should be increasing shortly after the Flood. Data regarding this proposal are presented. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Red Dwarf and the Seven Planets 4-1-2017: A recent announcement was made of a red dwarf with seven planets detected orbiting it, all of which are roughly earth-sized and most of which are in the habitable zone. A closer look indicates that the "habitable zone" is probably a misnomer and that the hype is undeserved. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Scientists Study Science and Religion 3-25-2017: A recent report from the Discovery Institute tries to assess how scientific beliefs influence religious beliefs by asking the people who have (or do not have) such beliefs what influence their scientific beliefs have on their religious beliefs. This data is compared with a previous study done by creationists. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Bernard Brandstater on
The Future of Adventist Creationism 3-18-2017: The
proposal is made that Adventist creationism has gradually
become more muted since the days of George McCready Price
and that the Intelligent Design movement, relying more on
science as a source of authority, is doing more to change
the academic discussion. We should adopt this approach. |
Paul Giem on The Ice Age 3-11-2017: A history of the ice age concept is reviewed along with some of the evidence behind the growth in number from 1 to 4 to dozens. The variability of the theories raises questions about their reliability. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Collagen Age Doubled 3-4-2017: A recent article in Nature Communications notes the preservation of collagen in 190 million year old dinosaur bone, more than doubling the age of fossil bone that contains biomolecules, raising the question of how old fossil material must be before it cannot contain biomolecules and whether the purported age is real. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Case for Creation 2-25-2017: Paul Giem speaks on the creation-evolution controversy to a somewhat skeptical audience ("Sabbath Seminar" 10:30 a.m., Centennial Complex, room 3208) and answers their questions. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on ID, Aliens, and God 2-18-2017: A recent article in the New York Times refers to an interview with William D. Hamilton (a pioneer in kin selection theory) who suggested that intelligent design might account for certain features of life on earth. A review of scientific thought reveals that various forms of ID are in fact compatible with the modern scientific consensus, just not the God of Christianity. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Jon Paulien on Creation in the Gospel of John 2-11-2017: Jon Paulien, Dean of the School of Religion at LLU, summarizes a paper on the theme of creation in the Gospel of John delivered to the Faith and Science Council. The paper summarizes recent research on the theme and offers a fresh proposal regarding how John would view the mission of the class. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Gödel Proves God 2-4-2017: Two German mathematicians created a program to test the mathematics of Gödel's logical proof for the existence of God and found it to be logically valid. The soundness of the proof and its implications are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Oldest Alphabet 1-28-2017: A presentation by Douglas Petrovich at the American Schools of Oriental Research, an article, and a forthcoming book argue that the alphabet was originally an invention by Hebrews. Possible implications are discussed. [1 (page 105), 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Do Black Holes Exist? 1-21-2017: A couple of articles by Laura Mersini-Houton argue that black holes never quite form. This would contradict standard astronomical theory and the usual interpretation of observations. There are apparently good arguments on both sides. Caution is urged when drawing conclusions about or from cosmology. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Qesem Cave 1-14-2017: A recent article at entitled "Scientists Find Signs of Intelligent Tool Use 300,000 Years Ago" reports on a cave in Israel that shows human or hominid activity. The article is approached as a case study on how to read the literature. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Retractions of 2016 1-7-2017: An article in The Scientist indirectly underlines the importance of religion in science, both in regard to subject matter and attitude toward truth. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Dino Necks and Civility 12-31-2016: A blog from 2009 on dinosaur necks and the mechanical problem of getting blood to the dinosaur head while foraging in the canopy is discussed, along with a recently discovered comment about it referencing the civility of the discussion. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Publish and Perish 12-24-2016: A paper entitled "Soft sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus" was published in Acta Histochemica in 2013. Shortly afterward the first author, Mark Armitage, lost his job and sued for religious discrimination. The case has finally been settled. Implications of the episode are discussed. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] | MP4 OGV |
George Javor on Superintended Creation 12-17-2016: Creation and redemption are the two great pathways for exploring mankind’s relationship to God. The discussion on “Superintended Creation” leads us to uncharted areas on creation. What is the relationship between the Creator and creation? Independence, partial dependence, or complete dependence? What are the implications of our conclusions? [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
George Javor on The Most Astounding Fact About the Universe 12-10-2016: Besides giving an answer to “The most astounding fact about the universe” we will explore our apparent isolation in the cosmos, some aspects of the creation account of Genesis chapter 1, and the remarkable specificity required for E. coli to function, illustrated by work in the speaker’s laboratory. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Dry Bones and Fossil Trackways 12-3-2016: A video from Adventist Learning Community is viewed and reviewed. Featuring Leonard Brand and Arthur Chadwick, it discusses the contact between the Moenkopi formation and the Shinarump formation, fossil trackways in Coconino Sandstone, and a dinosaur bone deposit. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Sean Pitman on Something from Nothing? 11-26-2016: The effort of naturalistic scientists in various fields of science, from physics to biology, to explain how something can ultimately come from nothing is noted along with reasons for this effort. Empirical and philosophical evidence against the conclusion are presented. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Douglas Axe - The Research (Part 4) 11-19-2016: This week we look at an article written by Gauger and associates that demonstrates that even with an evolutionary pathway that can lead in two steps to a functioning enzyme, the vast majority of the time unguided evolution cannot find that pathway. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Douglas Axe - The Research (Part 3) 11-12-2016: This week we look at 2 articles (1 written by Douglas Axe and 1 by Gauger and Axe) that form part of the foundation for his book Undeniable. These papers show that even for bacteria more than 2 deleterious or 6 neutral mutations are unlikely to occur to reach an advantageous outcome. However, it took over 7 mutations to get from one enzyme to another closely related one. Standard evolutionary theory does not match real life. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Douglas Axe - The Research (Part 2) 11-5-2016: This week we look at another article written by Douglas Axe that forms part of the foundation for his book Undeniable. This paper showed that it was highly unlikely (~1 in 10^77) that penicillinase (and presumably most other enzymes) could be found by a blind search followed by natural selection. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Douglas Axe - The Research (Part 1) 10-29-2016: This week we look at some of the articles written by Douglas Axe that form the foundation for his book Undeniable. His early work appeared to show that multiple hydrophobic substitutions made little difference, but later work showed that the outside was much less tolerant of changes to enzyme sequence than was previously believed. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 9 - Chapters 13 & 14) 10-22-2016: This week we look at chapter 12 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed where he argues that materialism not only can't explain inventions, it can't explain minds or ideas. He notes that an adequate theory virtually requires a God and then explores some implications of his conclusions. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 8 - Chapter 12) 10-15-2016: This week we look at chapter 12 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed where he notes that the rejection of intelligent design in nature has to do with an anti-religious bias, which shows up in arguing for the illegitimacy of ID rather than its factual inaccuracy and the retreat into such things as non-reproducible mechanisms and massive numbers of multiple universes. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Leonard Brand on History of the Red-Rock Country: The Grand Staircase 10-8-2016: The Grand Staircase is a unique geological feature; a series of giant steps going up through the geological column. There is very little material in the geological literature on how it was formed. Rivers don’t form staircases, they cut channels. A theory of its formation that seems to fit the evidence will be presented. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 7 - Chapter 11) 9-24-2016: This week we look at chapter 11 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed entitled "Seeing and Believing". [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 6 - Chapter 10) 9-24-2016: This week we look at chapter 10 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed where he notes that life is far more exquisitely designed than our most advanced inventions, which has implications for who (or rather "Who") designed it. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 5 - Chapter 9) 9-17-2016: This week we look at chapter 9 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed where he points out that evolutionary searches are fantastically large, making them physically impossible by the criteria from last week. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 4 - Chapters 7 and 8) 9-10-2016: This week we look at chapters 7 & 8 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed where he argues that natural selection cannot create and that some collections of possibilities are so fantastically large that they cannot be searched within the physical universe, making an adequate search physically impossible. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 3 - Chapters 5 and 6) 9-3-2016: This week we look at chapters 5 & 6 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed where he argues for what he calls common science and that life is a unified whole which cannot be approached piecemeal. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 2 - Chapters 3 & 4) 8-27-2016: This week we look at chapters 3 & 4 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed where he argues that our intuition that life is designed is reliable and should be trusted, against the majority opinion of scientific "experts". [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Undeniable (Part 1 - Chapters 1 & 2) 8-20-2016: This week we look at chapters 1 & 2 in Douglas Axe's book Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed and then have a free range discussion. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Longevity in Plants 8-13-2016: This week we look at an article noting deleterious effects of Müller's ratchet and plant design against it. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on RNA Viruses Are Recent (Part 2) 8-6-2016: This week we look at some of the evidence behind an article from 2003 that points out that the molecular clock for RNA viruses suggests that they are thousands of years old, but the standard evolutionary history of RNA viruses and their hosts requires that they are tens to hundreds of million years old. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on RNA Viruses Are Recent (Part 1) 7-30-2016: This week we look at an article from 2003 that points out that the molecular clock for RNA viruses suggests they are thousands of years old, but the standard evolutionary history of RNA viruses and their hosts requires that they are tens to hundreds of million of years old. The article tries to resolve the discrepancy. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Graptolites
Alive! 7-23-2016: This week we look at the
relationship between graptolites and the pterobranchia,
noting that they appear to be closely related and that
graptolites are actually the homes of the animals rather
than the animals and pterobranchia are actually living
fossils. The implications are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
Paul Giem on Everest Erosion 7-16-2016: This week we look at the rates of erosion and uplift of Mount Everest and ask why there is still Ordovician limestone on the top? [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Reproducible Evolution 7-9-2016: This week we look at a claim that not only can evolution be demonstrated in the lab, but that it is reproducible. Another protein can be co-opted to activate development of the flagellar motor. [1, 2 or 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Does
the Earth Turn? 7-2-2016: This week we look at a
question where it is not so easy to dismiss the charge
that the ancient Hebrews' conception of the world differs
from ours. The implications for Biblical authority
(including potential falsifiability) are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
Paul Giem on The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome (Part 2) 6-25-2016: We finish our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a final look at chapter 2 by Randall Younker and Richard Davidson entitled "The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at the Hebrew רָקִיעַ (rāqîaʿ)" which looks at the meaning of the word usually translated "firmament" from a Biblical perspective. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome (Part 1) 6-18-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a look at chapter 2 by Randall Younker and Richard Davidson entitled "The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at the Hebrew רָקִיעַ (rāqîaʿ)" which looks at the meaning of the word usually translated "firmament". [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Two Narratives About the Raquia 6-11-2016: We look at narratives that have grown up around the raquia (sometimes translated "firmament") and see whether it should rather be translated "expanse". Fritz Guy & Brian Bull join us in this effort. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Cosmology of Genesis 1 6-4-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a look at chapter 1 by Gerhard and Michael Hasel entitled "The Unique Cosmology of Genesis 1 against Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian Parallels" which looks at the question of the relationship between the Biblical and ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cosmogonies. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on When Death Was Not Yet 5-28-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a look at chapter 10 by Jacques Doukhan entitled "When Death Was Not Yet" which looks at the question of death from a Biblical perspective. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Creationism and Ancient Near Eastern Evolutionary Ideas 5-21-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a look at chapter 9 by Ángel Rodríguez entitled "Biblical Creationism and Ancient Near Eastern Evolutionary Ideas" which looks at the contrast between ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian ideas and the creation account in Genesis. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Creation
in the Prophetic Literature (Part 2 - Nahum, Habakkuk,
Zephaniah, Joel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Obadiah, Daniel,
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi) 5-14-2016: We continue
our series on Creation
in the Old Testament with a look at chapter 8 by
Martin G. Klingbeil entitled "Creation in the Prophetic
Literature of the Old Testament: An Intertextual Approach"
which follows the creation theme of Genesis 1 and 2 in
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Joel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
Obadiah, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi this week.
14] |
Paul Giem on Creation in the Prophetic Literature (Part 1 - Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah) 5-7-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a look at chapter 8 by Martin G. Klingbeil entitled "Creation in the Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament: An Intertextual Approach" which follows the creation theme of Genesis 1 and 2 in Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah, and Isaiah this week. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Genesis
and Creation in the Wisdom Literature (Part 2 - Proverbs
& Ecclesiastes) 4-30-2016: We continue our
series on Creation
in the Old Testament with a final look at chapter 7
by Ángel Rodríguez entitled "Genesis and Creation in the
Wisdom Literature" which follows the creation theme of
Genesis 1 and 2 in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
Paul Giem on Genesis and Creation in the Wisdom Literature (Part 1 - Job) 4-23-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a look at chapter 7 by Ángel Rodríguez entitled "Genesis and Creation in the Wisdom Literature" which follows the creation theme of Genesis 1 and 2 in Job. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The
Creation Theme in Selected Psalms 4-16-2016: We
continue our series on Creation
in the Old Testament with a look at chapter 6 by
Alexej Muráň entitled "The Creation Theme in Selected
Psalms" (except Psalm 104, which was covered previously). [1, 2, 3, 4] |
Paul Giem on The
Creation Theme in Psalm 104 (Part 2) 4-9-2016: We
continue our series on Creation
in the Old Testament with a look at the second half
of Richard Davidson's chapter (5) on "The Creation Theme
in Psalm 104" which compares Psalm
104 with Genesis
1 and 2. [1, 2, 3, 4] |
Paul Giem on The
Creation Theme in Psalm 104 4-2-2016: We continue
our series on Creation
in the Old Testament with a look at the first half
of Richard Davidson's chapter (5) on "The Creation Theme
in Psalm 104" which compares Psalm
104 with Genesis
1 and 2. [1, 2, 3, 4] |
Paul Giem on Creation Revisited 3-26-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with the chapter by Paul Gregor entitled "Creation Revisited: Echoes of Genesis 1 and 2 in the Pentateuch" (chapter 4) with verbal similarities noted. We also look at specific references to creation in the Pentateuch. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Genesis Account of Origins (Part 4) 3-19-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a close look at the creation account itself, following Richard Davidson's chapter (3) on "The Genesis Account of Origins" with special attention to the relationship between the creation accounts, the lights of day 4, and death before sin. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on No Creator Need Apply 3-12-2016: This week we discuss an article that passed peer review and was accepted in PLOS ONE, until someone noticed that it spoke favorably of a Creator. Now, suddenly, it became bad science and was retracted. Censorship is alive and well. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Genesis Account of Origins (Part 3) 3-5-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a close look at the creation account itself, following Richard Davidson's chapter (3) on "The Genesis Account of Origins" with special attention to the questions of God, the creation process, and the extent of "the heavens and the earth." [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Genesis Account of Origins (Part 2) 2-27-2016: We continue our series on Creation in the Old Testament with a close look at the creation account itself, following Richard Davidson's chapter (3) on "The Genesis Account of Origins" with special attention to the questions of the presence or absence of a gap in the account, the extent of creation, and the date of creation. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Genesis Account of Origins 2-20-2016: This week we begin a series covering The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. We start with a closer look at the creation account itself, following Richard Davidson's chapter (3) "The Genesis Account of Origins" in both reference books. [1, 2, 3, 4a & 4b, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on "Aliens Cause Global Warming" 2-13-2016: Michael Crichton made a speech that later turned into an article entitled, "Aliens Cause Global Warming." The article is important for the history and philosophy of science. A major fact Crichton misses is that the politicization of science began long before SETI. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Scientists Debate Aliens 2-6-2016: An article that came out February 2, 2016 discusses the more popular theories among scientists about alien life. A picture emerges about the philosophical underpinnings of the enterprise. The article reminds one of Michael Crichton's article, "Aliens Cause Global Warming." The title for this talk is similarly fun (and misleading). [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Kangaroo and Human Genomes 1-30-2016: Kangaroos have a genome that is surprisingly like that of humans. This raises the question of how animals that supposedly diverged less than 150 million years ago could be so similar. However, the primary researcher is quite sure that a design inference is invalid (because of poor design). [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on How the Grand Canyon Was Not Made 1-23-2016: We look at how the Grand Canyon was not made, according to Bill Dickinson. There are problems with the theory he believes is most likely (along with other theories), but he is reasonably sure that the canyon could not have been formed by the catastrophic drainage of Hopi Lake in eastern Arizona. His reasoning is interesting and instructive. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on New York Times and Scientific American on the Origin of Life 1-9-2016: The New York Times reported on a conference on the Origin of Life which noted that the problem seemed as difficult as ever, with little to show for the work put in on the problem. Scientific American contained an even more blunt assessment of the NYT article, entitled "Pssst! Don't tell the creationists, but scientists don't have a clue how life began". Life doesn't seem to have a good definition in the articles, so one is proposed. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on What a Difference 3 Days Make 1-9-2016: Canyon Lake Dam in Texas overflowed for 3 days and cut a canyon 9 meters deep. An article describing the flood notes that it is difficult to find distinguishing features between this flood and conventional geologic processes. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Making a Slot Canyon 1-2-2016: A road created a diversion of a stream which led to the creation of a miniature slot canyon, giving us a clue as to what kind of water flow best creates these interesting geologic features and how fast. The authors note a discrepancy between the experimental data and the usual assumed time required for formation. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Miracles (Part 9) 12-26-2015: We will finish reviewing Eric Metaxas' book Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life. The stories are modern ones, including several healing stories. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Miracles (Part 8) 12-19-2015: We will review some more of the modern miracle stories in Eric Metaxas' book Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life. They include several healing stories. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Miracles (Part 7) 12-12-2015: We will review some of the modern miracle stories in Eric Metaxas' book Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life. They include a conversion story and a healing story from the same person. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Miracles (Part 6) 12-5-2015: We will review some of the modern miracle stories in Eric Metaxas' book Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life. They include the story of Eric Metaxas' conversion from another angle. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Miracles (Part 5) 11-28-2015: We will review some of the modern miracle stories in Eric Metaxas' book Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life. They include the story of Eric Metaxas' conversion. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Leonard Brand on Creationist Worldview as a Basis for Scientific Research 11-21-2015: Every scientist has a worldview and it provides a perspective that is an inevitable influence on their research. Quality research outcomes require an understanding of worldviews and how they can influence my research as well as the research of others. The naturalistic worldview dominates much research on origins, but a biblical worldview can also provide a foundation for valid scientific research, and should be used that way. This is explained and examples are given. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Miracles
(Part 4) 11-14-2015: We will review chapters 5, 6,
and 7 of Eric Metaxas' book Miracles:
What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can
Change Your Life. They deal with
problems with miracles, including Biblical miracles such
as the Resurrection. [1] |
Paul Giem on Miracles (Part 3) 11-7-2015: We will review chapters 4 and 5 of Eric Metaxas' book Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life. They deal with the argument from science to miracles, by way of design. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem
on Miracles (Part 2) 10-31-2015: We will review
the first 3 chapters of Eric Metaxas' book Miracles:
What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can
Change Your Life. The chapters deal with the
general philosophical/theological underpinning of miracles
and how they relate to science. [1] |
Paul Giem on God's
Boy and Science (Elijah) 10-24-2015: A rearranged
and expanded version of the devotional I gave (on Elijah)
for the Faith and Science Council this week. |
Paul Giem on Miracles (Part 1) 10-17-2015: The question of whether miracles can and do occur and if science can deal with them is central to the question of the proper relationship between faith and science. We will look at several different ways of handling the subject and ask what is optimal. [1, 2 or 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Platypus Genome 10-10-2015: The platypus seems to be put together with spare parts: the beak of a duck, the tail of a beaver, the feet of an otter, venom glands of snakes, and putting out milk somewhat diffusely over its belly. It has fur but lays eggs. It turns out that the genome has the same hodgepodge construction, with elements from reptiles, birds, and mammals. It is a designer's delight. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Histones
and Molecular Clocks 10-3-2015: Histones have very
little variation in organisms as disparate as peas and
cows. One hypothesis is that histones cannot vary
significantly or the organism will die or at least be
severely disadvantaged in living and reproducing. The
evidence suggests that this may not be quite the case,
although even if it is, it raises the question of how
organisms acquired the code for histones in the first
place. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] |
Paul Giem on DNA
Replication Evolved Twice? 9-26-2015: A paper
argues that although protein synthesis evolved only once,
DNA replication evolved twice, in bacteria and in archaea
and nucleated cells, which share the same basic enzymes.
The difficulties of evolving an absolutely necessary
system twice are discussed. [1,
2] |
Paul Giem on Red
Wine and Data Falsification 9-19-2015: [Click and
read this note!] We look at a scandal
involving research on the effects of red wine on the
heart, which involved the retraction of over 100 papers.
The implications for trusting research on the health
effects of alcohol (and trusting scientific research in
general) are discussed. [1,
8] |
Paul Giem on The
First Cause Argument (Part 3) 9-12-2015: The book Who
Designed the Designer? makes the
argument that there must be at least one first cause. This
third week we consider objections to the first cause
argument and put the controversy in context. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] |
Timothy Standish on The Nitrogen Cycle: An Ecological Example of Design? 9-5-2015: The nitrogen cycle is a global ecochemical pathway distributed across multiple organisms. The focus of this presentation is not on the complex subsystems that catalyze each step in the cycle, but on the overarching cycle in which they participate. Does the nitrogen cycle itself resemble a designed system? [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The First Cause Argument (Part 2) 8-29-2015: The book Who Designed the Designer? makes the argument that there must be at least one first cause. This second week involves the argument to only one first cause and the properties of that cause. We look at the strengths, weaknesses, and ramifications of that argument. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The
First Cause Argument (Part 1) 8-22-2015: The
argument has been made that there must be at least one
first cause. It is sometimes deduced that there must be
only one cause and certain properties have been deduced
about the nature of that cause. The book Who
Designed the Designer? makes the
argument afresh. We look at the strengths, weaknesses, and
ramifications of that argument. The first week involves
the argument to at least one first cause. [1,
4] |
Paul Giem on Convergent Evolution 8-15-2015: It has been claimed that evolution always produces a nested hierarchy and that the fact that we have a nested hierarchy makes it highly likely that evolution is the explanation for the various forms of life. This argument has difficulty explaining the frequency of convergent evolution. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Earth
2.0 - Why it Matters 8-8-2015: Recently NASA made an
announcement about a planet, Kepler-452b, which has been
dubbed Earth 2.0. The details of the discovery and the
reasons why it is considered significant by some are
discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
Paul Giem on Is Pluto Young? 8-1-2015: Danny Faulkner (at Answers in Genesis) made the claim that Pluto is young, based on evidence from the recent fly-by of Pluto by the New Horizons space probe. The claim and the evidence behind it are examined. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Design Requirements and Stem Cell Cycling 7-25-2015: A recent paper claims that stem cells in C. elegans gonads are cycled at a rate that is essentially optimal for minimizing the accumulation of mutations. The idea that stem cells experimentally match optimal design requirements has interesting implications, as does the idea that it is optimal to minimize mutations. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Pseudofossils:
New Evidence 7-18-2015: A recent paper claims that
the oldest fossils are not actually fossils, but
pseudofossils. The basis for this claim is examined and
implications for other microfossils are explored. [1, 2, 3, 4] |
Paul Giem on Twin Studies and Homosexuality 7-11-2015: Last week the claim was made that 8 twin studies supported the idea that homosexuality was not primarily genetic or determined in utero. An attempt is made to track down the evidence behind that claim and to look briefly at some other twin studies. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] | MP4 OGV |
*** Beware the contents and check the references for yourself *** Johanan Raatz on Traditional Marriage and Sexual Morality: A Defense 7-4-2015: An attempt is made to defend traditional marriage without exclusive reliance on Biblical Christianity. Idealistic philosophy and comparative religions are used as supports and it is asserted that homosexuality is not primarily either genetic or determined in utero, thus delegitimizing a civil rights comparison. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Can
Biomolecules Last that Long? 6-27-2015: Dinosaur
bone has yielded apparent protein and even DNA, in spite
of the fact that DNA and protein have long been believed
to not last for millions of years. Is this supposition or
is there experimental evidence for the previous belief in
the relative impermanence of DNA and protein? [1,
8] |
Paul Giem on Tissue in Dinosaur Bones: An Update 6-20-2015: The work of Mary Schweitzer and colleagues is well-known (and reviewed). Now another group is approaching dinosaur bone with laser technology and confirming their results. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on New
Genes Are Essential 6-13-2015: It has been noted
that ORFan genes (genes that are not related to genes in
other organisms) are common. Research on fruit flies shows
that a substantial portion of those genes are essential
for development, raising the question of how so many of
those genes can evolve so rapidly. [1,
7, 8] |
Paul Giem on Ferns
Hybridize After 60 Million Years 6-6-2015: An article
in The American Naturalist describes a
natural hybrid fern whose parents have supposedly been
separated for some 60 million years. Several similar
(although not as extreme) hybrids are cited. This raises
questions about the validity of the time frame. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4] |
Paul Giem on Gay Marriage, Science, and Political Correctness 5-30-2015: A recent article in Science about the extended persuasiveness of gays on gay marriage (that had to be retracted) stands as a caution against accepting research supporting politically correct ideas too readily and illustrates the virtues of replication. [1 & 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 4, 5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on FOXP2
and Family Trees 5-23-2015: Richard Dawkins has used
FOXP2 as an example of how if one prepares a family tree
using molecular data on different proteins one always gets
"the same family tree." The data are not quite as
convincing as the rhetoric. [1, 2, 3, 4] |
Paul Giem on Horizontal Gene Transfer 5-16-2015: A recent article argues that humans, fruit flies, and flatworms have all had hundreds of genes horizontally transferred from such organisms as bacteria, fungi, and algae. The theory of HGT is discussed. [1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Beta-Pseudoglobin and Common Descent 5-9-2015: A recent article argues that the beta-globin pseudogene is in fact used in regulating hemoglobin productions. This would destroy the argument that it is a shared mistake proving the common ancestry of apes and humans. The history of the controversy is reviewed. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Molecular
Clocks 5-2-2015: A recent article argues that
molecular clocks are too fast. This contrasts with claims
that the Cambrian molecular clocks are too fast. On the
other hand, clocks calibrated by real time (as opposed to
evolutionary theory) seem to work well. This has
implications for, among other things, the age of humans. [1,
or 3
or , 4,
6] |
Paul Giem on The Case of the Aldabra Banded Snail 4-25-2015: In 2007 the Aldabra banded snail was declared extinct. In 2014 it was rediscovered. In the meantime it was used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as an example of extinction caused by global warming. Implications for the reliability of peer review of ideologically fraught science are discussed. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Self-Organization 4-18-2015: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives Section Four (entitled "Biological Information and Self-Organizational Complexity Theory") argues that neo-Darwinism is not enough, although the principle of self-organization obviates any need for intelligent design. We will evaluate the validity of that argument. [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Explaining Metabolic Innovation 4-11-2015: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Explaining Metabolic Innovation: Neo-Darwinism versus Design" notes neo-Darwinism's failure to account for metabolic innovation and asks what the properties of an adequate theory should be, based on the evidence. [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological
Information - The Membrane Code 4-4-2015: In the
book Biological
Information: New Perspectives the
chapter entitled "The
Membrane Code: A Carrier of Essential Biological
Information That Is Not Specified by DNA and Is
Inherited Apart from It" looks at various
aspects of the cell where sources of information other
than DNA sequence seem to determine aspects of cell
organization. [1
or 1] |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Loss-of-Function Mutations 3-28-2015: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Getting There First: An Evolutionary Rate Advantage for Adaptive Loss-of-Function Mutations" looks at the likelihood of gain-of-function and loss-of-function mutations occurring in a given population and finds loss-of-function mutations to be more probable in general, both in theory and in practice. [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Are Minds
Computers? 3-21-2015: An article by Jonathan
Bartlett entitled "Using
Turing Oracles in Cognitive Models of Problem-Solving"
argues that there are problems that computers are unable
to solve that humans can solve routinely. This, if true,
would prove that minds are more than computers and suggest
that strong AI is impossible and that materialism is
false. The argument is evaluated. [1] |
Paul Giem on Bayes' Theorem and Atheism 3-14-2015: Theoretically, it would seem that the spontaneous origin of life has such a low probability that it is unbelievable. However, many atheists believe that it happened. Some of them justify their belief by appeal to Bayes' Theorem and prior probabilities. The reasonableness of this approach is discussed. [1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Eugene
Koonin and the Origin of Life 3-7-2015: Eugene
Koonin wrote an article arguing that even for the RNA
world hypothesis the origin of life was hopeless from a
statistical standpoint and could only be saved by an
appeal to an infinite set of universes (a multiverse)
where anything physically possible could happen. The
article and its implications are discussed. [1,
2] |
Leonard Brand on Epigenetics,
New Insights into the Genetic System and Evolution
2-28-2015: In recent decades molecular geneticists have
made great strides in understanding DNA and the layers of
epigenetic (above the genes) management that "decide" how
to interpret the DNA. Epigenetic processes exhibit what
looks like foresight in initiating heritable, beneficial
genetic changes. This has significant impacts on Darwin's
theory, which most evolutionary scientists are ignoring,
but a few are embracing. Things are changing. [1, 2 or , 3] |
Johanan Raatz on The Christian Story on Idealism 2-21-2015: Quantum Mechanics seems to be pushing us towards idealistic philosophy. Is this compatible with Christianity? With pure idealism, probably not, but with a slight modification it seems not only to be compatible, but to actively suggest that some form of Christianity must be correct. [1, 2, 3, 4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological
Information - The Fine-Tuned Genetic Code 2-14-2015:
In the book Biological
Information: New Perspectives the
chapter entitled "An
Ode to the Code: Evidence for Fine-Tuning in the
Standard Codon Table" looks at evidence that
the standard genetic code is either optimal or close to
optimal and considers the hypothesis that it was designed.
or 1] |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Positive Genetic Entropy 2-7-2015: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Information Loss: Potential for Accelerating Natural Genetic Attenuation of RNA Viruses" looks at a possible positive use for genetic entropy, which is precisely the reverse of what the common picture of evolution would lead one to expect. [1 or 1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Mendel's Accountant and Avida 1-31-2015: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Computational Evolution Experiments Reveal a Net Loss of Genetic Information Despite Selection" looks at two computer programs (Mendel's Accountant and Avida) and notes that with similar input they give similar output and they require "un-biological" settings in order for evolution to work. [1 or 1, 2, 3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Design
Detection 1-24-2015: It is sometimes claimed that
design cannot be detected - or at least not without some
context. We look at some examples of objects that may or
may not be designed and try to understand how and why we
detect design and how we can be reasonably sure our
assessment is correct. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] |
Paul Giem on Biological
Information - Mutation Count and Synergistic Epistasis
1-17-2015: In the book Biological
Information: New Perspectives chapter
12, entitled "Using
Numerical Simulation to Test the 'Mutation-Count'
Hypothesis", and Chapter 13, entitled "Can
Synergistic Epistasis Halt Mutation Accumulation?
Results from Numerical Simulation", look at
two proposed rescues for genomes under the influence of
genetic entropy. Can this genome be saved?. [1
or 1,
2] |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Positive Selection 1-10-2015: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Selection Threshold Severely Constrains Capture of Beneficial Mutations" looks at the efficacy of natural selection to improve a genome using a program called Mendel's Accountant. In most cases natural selection does not appear to be sufficiently effective to do the job. [1 or 1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Johanan Raatz on Panentheism
and the Mind of God 1-3-2015: Last week we discussed
the idea that physics points toward the idea that the
universe is a virtual reality. We revisit that idea and
draw out its implications for theology. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
Johanan Raatz on Idealism, Digital Physics, and Christian Neoplatonism 12-27-2014: How does fundamental physics tie into the mystery of consciousness and what does all of this have to do with Christian Theology? Recent research into quantum gravity indicates that the fabric of space-time may be an elaborate illusion, a result which lends weight to an idealist picture of reality hinted at in the Bible all along! [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Purifying Selection 12-20-2014: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Can Purifying Natural Selection Preserve Biological Information?" tries to answer that question using a program called Mendel's Accountant. The answer appears to be no. [1 or 1, 2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological
Information - Criticizing ENCODE 12-13-2014: In the
book Biological
Information: New Perspectives Chapter
9 argues that the vast majority of the genome
is functional. In 2012 the ENCODE consortium published
over 30 papers and argued that more than 80% of the human
genome had at least one biochemical function. Dan Graur et
al. have offered a critique. We review that critique. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
Paul Giem on Overlapping Genetic Codes 12-6-2014: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives Chapters 6 and 9 (at least) argue that stretches of DNA can have multiple functions encoded into them. We will partially evaluate the strength of the evidence behind that argument. [1 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Not Junk After All 11-29-2014: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Not Junk After All: Non-Protein-Coding DNA Carries Extensive Biological Information" discusses the various functions of DNA and finds that non-functional DNA is a small minority. [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Information and Thermodynamics in Living Systems 11-22-2014: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Information and Thermodynamics in Living Systems" discusses the role of machines in creating local decreases in entropy in an open system and suggests that they are required; and this requirement implies intelligence. [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Entropy, Evolution and Open Systems 11-15-2014: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Entropy, Evolution and Open Systems" discusses the question of whether the Second Law of Thermodynamics can be circumvented simply by having an open system, or whether there are other requirements regarding that open system. [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological
Information - Tierra 11-8-2014: In the book Biological
Information: New Perspectives the
chapter entitled "Tierra:
The Character of Adaptation" discusses one of
the more sophisticated computer models of evolution and
its failure to achieve the results anticipated by its
creator. [1
or 1] |
Art Chadwick on Looking
for Time in All the Wrong Places: Why Real Science
Really Matters 11-1-2014: We examine several
non-radiometric physically-based indicators for the
passage of time and evaluate the meaning of the
radiometric clocks in the light of these methods. |
The Loma Linda University School of Religion presents a panel discussion, "Good Science and Literal Bible: What Gives?" led by Jim Walters. Panel members seen in this recording are: Leonard Brand, Maury Jackson, Paul Giem, James (Jim) Walters, Kenneth Wright, Suzanne Phillips, & Richard (Rick) Rice. [1] | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - Overlapping Codes 10-25-2014: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Multiple Overlapping Genetic Codes Profoundly Reduce the Probability of Beneficial Mutation" discusses the implications of the fact that multiple DNA codes often involve the same stretch of DNA. [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological
Information - Reverse Conservation 10-18-2014: In
the book Biological
Information: New Perspectives the
chapter entitled "A
General Theory of Information Cost Incurred by
Successful Search" discusses the source of
biological information and shows that a search for
information has to be informed already in order to find
and recognize that information. Information can be
destroyed, but not created outside of intelligence. [1
or 1] |
Paul Giem on Biological Information - What is It? 10-11-2014: In the book Biological Information: New Perspectives the chapter entitled "Biological Information - What is It?" discusses 3 different scientific definitions of information and then introduces the concept of Universal Information, which corresponds more closely to what most people mean when they use the word "information". [1 or 1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biological
Information: The Book 10-04-2014: The book Biological
Information: New Perspectives was
published in 2013, two years after the symposium at
Cornell University of the same name. The general
introduction to the book (an overview) will be reviewed,
along with the controversy over its publication. [1
or 1]
& 2]
& 3] |
Paul Giem on DNA Decay 9-27-2014: Various estimates have been put forth for the decay of DNA under normal circumstances. An estimate for the half-life of DNA has been published in the last 2 years, which has implications for the possibility of testing age claims for such things as Eocene material. [1] [2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Y
Chromosomes in Chimps and Humans 9-20-2014: Chimp
and Human Y Chromosomes are "horrendously" different,
according to one commentator on a fairly recent paper.
(Difference in level of similarity between chimp and human
chromosomes Y and 21 is particularly striking.) The reason
for the unusual scientific adjective will be discussed. [1 or 1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] |
Paul Giem on Spiderwebs,
Eyespots in Birds, and Nested Hierarchies 9-13-2014:
Evolutionary theory is often defended nowadays by saying
that biology forms a nested hierarchy and that only
evolution accounts for that fact. Two recent articles note
that orb weaver spiders and birds with eyespots do not
follow that nested hierarchy, making this argument for
evolution problematic. [1]
[9] |
Paul Giem on Quantum
Weirdness and Reality 9-6-2014: Standard quantum
mechanical predictions include the concept that observing
which path a quantum object takes destroys any
interference pattern that might otherwise be there. This
can now be projected into the past. The straightforward
conclusion is that aspects of the past don't really exist
until we measure them. Needless to say, this is highly
counterintuitive, but it is supported by empirical
evidence. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] |
Paul Giem & Ariel Roth
on Report on the International Conference on the Bible
and Science: Affirming Creation 8-30-2014: Attendees
to the August 2014 Seventh-day Adventist Church General
Conference (Faith and Science
Council) sponsored "International
Conference on the Bible and Science: Affirming
Creation" (held in Saint George, Utah) give
reports and discuss the conference. See: |
Charles David on The
Origin of Life 8-23-2014: We finish the series on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know (this is
actually a redo). This week we will discuss the
difficulties with a naturalistic origin of life. |
Doug Plata on Playing
God - Transhumanism and Faith 8-16-2014: A
discussion about what transhumanism is and how Christians
might relate to it. |
Paul Giem on Quantum
Weirdness and God 8-9-2014: Quantum mechanics
predicts some very strange properties of matter, some of
which have been known for some time not to be compatible
with local realism. More recent experiments have
confirmed that realism, at least for subatomic particles,
is problematic and those experiments are compatible with
the thesis that consciousness is more fundamental than
matter. This in turn implies a consciousness that is
experimentally indistinguishable from being omnipotent and
omniscient (and thus, for practical purposes omnipresent). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] |
Paul Giem on The
Edge of Evolution Strikes Again 8-2-2014:
Michael Behe made some predictions in his book The
Edge of Evolution. One was that when we found out
what mutations it took to get a chloroquine complexity
cluster (CCC) it would wind up requiring two specific
relatively simultaneous mutations. Several critics
claimed that it would take more mutations than that (and
some less than that, at least simultaneously), basing
their arguments on the presumed feasibility of evolution.
A new article reports experimental evidence. [1 or ] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] |
Paul Giem on Ellen White's Health Message and Inspiration 7-26-2014: Three weeks ago we discussed Ellen White's health message and the scientific evidence for the accuracy of her recommendations (the "whats"), but not as much the reasons for them (the "whys"). We discuss the implications of these findings for the doctrine of inspiration. [1] [2] [3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Alcohol 7-19-2014: This nineteenth week we discuss Ellen G. White's position on alcohol and the recent controversy over whether light to moderate use of alcohol is good for one's health, specifically in regard to cardiovascular health. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Ice Cores
7-12-2014: This eighteenth week we discuss ice cores in
Greenland and Antarctica and their use to prove a long
time scale for life on earth. [1] [2] [3] [4] |
Paul Giem on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Radiometric
Dating 7-5-2014: This seventeenth week we discuss
radiometric dating, its use to attempt to disprove young
life creationism, and aspects of radiometric dating that
are commonly ignored but appear to leave room for or
suggest a shorter time frame than the standard geologic
time scale. [1 & 1] [2] [3 or 3] [4] [5] |
Leonard Brand on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Ellen White and
Her Critics 6-28-2014: This sixteenth week we
discuss the idea that Ellen White got her information on
health from copying other authors. The presentation will
examine the research design of White's critics and also
present more recent evidence by a physician comparing
EGW's health principles with modern medical understanding
of healthful living. The surprising results give insights
into the nature of inspiration. [1] [2] [3 or 3] [4] [5] [6 or 6] |
Paul Giem on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Paleocurrents 6-21-2014: This fifteenth week we discuss evidence for directional currents found in rocks, known as paleocurrents; research Arthur Chadwick has done and coordinated regarding continent-wide flooding. [1] [2] | MP4 OGV |
Leonard Brand on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: The Yellowstone Fossil Forest 6-14-2014: This fourteenth week we discuss the story of the Yellowstone fossil forests. [1] [2] [3] [4] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Genetic Entropy
6-7-2014: This thirteenth week we discuss the fact that
natural selection is not adequate to even keep the genome
from degenerating, let alone add new information. [1 or ] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] |
Leonard Brand on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: The Coconino Sandstone 5-31-2014: This twelfth week we discuss "Fossil animal tracks in the dunes: a case study in the scientific process." Study of the fossil vertebrate trackways in the Coconino sandstone provides a comparison between research designed to support a prior theory (and its assumptions) and research seeking to understand what explanation best fits the evidence. [1 or 1] [2 or 2] [3] [4 or 4] [5 or 5] [6] [7] [8] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: The Task of
(Unguided) Evolution 5-24-2014: This eleventh week
we discuss the difficulties of getting from one organism
to another without intelligent guidance. [1 or ] [2 or ] [3] |
Paul Giem on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: The Privileged Planet 5-10-2014: This ninth week we discuss the unusual suitability of this planet for life and for scientific discovery and the unwelcome reception of the implications of these facts by the scientific community. [1 or 1 or ] [2] [3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: The Origin of the
Universe 5-3-2014: This eighth week we discuss the
Big Bang theory, some alternative theories, and their
interaction with the Biblical record. [1] [2] [3] [4] |
John Baumgardner on How
Does One Account for the Sediment Record in Terms of the
Genesis Flood? 4-26-2014: The Bible tells of a
global (not regional) deluge. What we now see in geology
is evidence of vast continental erosion with huge
deposition of sediments, frequently to a depth of
kilometers. What is needed is a massive deluge, plus a
physical force big enough to move water at high velocity
with enough energy to cause cavitation, denudation, and
subsequent sedimentation, ending up with six distinctive
flood phases that we commonly identify as the geologic
column - all within twelve months. A model is proposed
that could meet these requirements. [1] [2] [3] |
Ariel Roth on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Widespread
Layers, Turbidites 4-19-2014: This seventh week we
discuss the presence of geologic layers that cover huge
areas and are very flat. [1] [2] [3] [4 or ] [5] [6] |
John Baumgardner on The Genesis Flood - A Tectonic Catastrophe as Well as a Hydrological One 4-12-2014 [1] [2] [3] | MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Flat Gaps and
Soft Sediments Challenge Geologic Time 4-5-2014:
This sixth week we discuss geologic time, specifically
paraconformities and soft-sediment deformation, sometimes
both in the same place. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6 or ] [7] [8] [9] |
Ariel Roth on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Rates of Erosion and Uplift 3-29-2014: We continue a series on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know. This fifth week we review the data on rates of erosion of continents and uplift of mountains. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Erosional
Features 3-22-2014: We continue a series on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know. This fourth
week we review the data on erosional features, with
special attention to the Bretz flood(s). [1] [2 or ] [3] |
Paul Giem on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Uranium-Lead
Dating 3-15-2014: We continue a series on What Every
Adventist Scientist Should Know. This third week we
review the data on uranium-lead dating. [1] [2] [3] [4] |
Paul Giem on What
Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Carbon-14 Dating
3-8-2014: We continue a series on What Every Adventist
Scientist Should Know. This second week we review
the data on carbon-14 dating of fossil carbon and the
response of critics. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] |
Paul Giem on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know: Philosophy of Science 3-1-2014: We begin a series on What Every Adventist Scientist Should Know. This first week outlines the reason for the series, the subjects that will be covered, and delves into the philosophy of science. [1] [2] [3] | MP4 OGV |
Robert Melashenko on Was Something in the Fruit? (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 14) Discusses why he thinks there was something in the fruit. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Paul Giem on Ham on
Nye 2-15-2014: The February 4, 2014 debate on the
topic "Is
creation a viable model of origins in today's modern
scientific era?" involving Bill Nye and Ken
Ham is summarized and evaluated. [1] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's Doubt - Reviews 4 2-8-2014: We will discuss the dispute over Steve Meyer's 2004 article, edited by Richard Sternberg, "The origin of biological information and the higher taxonomic categories" - published in Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 117:213-39. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] | MP4 OGV |
Robert Melashenko on The End of Sin and Sinners (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 13) Discusses what happens to people that reject God's offer of healing and repair. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Robert Melashenko on Our Salvation: Do We Have a Part to Play? (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 12) What people need to do in order for God to be able to correct the genome. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Michael Webster on Communication:
Your "Receiver" and How to Keep it Working (The Science of Sin
and Salvation - Part 11) The brain and diet. |
Michael Webster on The Sermon on the Mount and Game Theory (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 10) | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Robert Melashenko on The Plan of Salvation - Part 2: Christ's Death (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 9) Mobile genetic elements and Christ while on earth. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Robert Melashenko on The Plan of Salvation - Part 1: Christ's Life (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 8) The impact of mobile genetic elements on behavior related to temptation. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Robert Melashenko on The Ten Commandments (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 7) The impact of mobile genetic elements on behavior and relationship to the Ten Commandments. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Michael Webster on Origins and Settled Science (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 6) How scientific observations might reflect how sin destroys and how God restores. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Robert Melashenko on In the Garden (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 5) How mobile genetic elements may have entered and spread throughout the world. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Robert Melashenko on Another Look at "Sin" - Part 2: The Biome (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 4) Background information on the topic as well as terms and definitions. | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Robert Melashenko on Another
Look at "Sin" - Part 1: Human Condition (The
Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 3)
Discusses the impact of mobile genetic elements on human
health and disease. |
Robert Melashenko on Introduction to Information Theory & the Information War (The Science of Sin and Salvation - Part 2) Background information on the ideas of "Information Theory". | MP4 OGV MP3 |
Robert Melashenko on Setting
the Table (The Science of Sin and Salvation -
Part 1) Background information on the topic as
well as terms and definitions. |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt - Reviews 3 1-18-2014: We will discuss Charles
Marshall's review of Darwin's Doubt,
which was published in Science.
[6] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt - Reviews 2 1-11-2014: We will discuss
Nicholas Matzke's review of Darwin's Doubt
and the general principles of reviewing ideas presented in
books and articles. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's Doubt - Reviews 1 1-4-2014: We will discuss reviews of the book Darwin's Doubt and the general principles of reviewing ideas presented in books and articles. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The
Argument from Design 12-28-2013: We have seen
several arguments to design, most recently from the
Cambrian Explosion. Now we ask the question, "If we
accept the evidence-based argument to design, then what?" |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt (Part 13) 12-21-2013: We complete the third
part and finish the book, Chapter 20, discussing Meyer's
view on what it all means. [1] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt (Part 12) 12-14-2013: We continue with the
third part of the book, Chapter 19, discussing the
question of whether methodological naturalism rules out
Intelligent Design as science. [1] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt (Part 11) 12-7-2013: We continue with the
third part of the book, Chapter 18, discussing the
evidence from the Cambrian explosion that is compatible
with intelligent design and is not compatible with
unguided processes, such as Darwinian evolution. [1] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's Doubt (Part 10) 11-30-2013: We continue with the third part of the book, discussing the theoretical basis for postulating intelligent design, including the appearance of design and abductive reasoning, as a scientific theory for the Cambrian explosion. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt (Part 9) 11-23-2013: We start with the third
part of the book, discussing self-organizational theories
and other non-design-based attempts to explain the history
of life without relying completely on Darwinian evolution.
[1] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt (Part 8) 11-16-2013: We continue with and
complete the second part of the book, discussing the
import of developmental gene regulatory networks and
epigenetic information for the development of new body
plans and the strain they put on Darwinian theory. [1] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt (Part 7) 11-9-2013: We continue with the
second part of the book, discussing complex adaptations
and the neo-darwinian math. [1] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Doubt (Part 6) 11-2-2013: We continue with the
second part of the book, discussing Douglas Axe's work
with probability and functional proteins and the reaction
to Meyer's previous article. [1] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's Doubt (Part 5) 10-26-2013: We will start the second part of the book, discussing what information is, the amount of information needed for new organisms, and early estimates of the information in a protein. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Darwin's Doubt (Part 4) 10-19-2013: Discussion of Stephen Meyer's new book continues with chapters 6 & 7, which includes the animal tree of life and punctuated equilibrium. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Darwin's Doubt (Part 3) 10-12-2013: Discussion of Stephen Meyer's new book continues with chapters 4 & 5, which includes non-missing links and genetic time scales. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Darwin's Doubt (Part 2) 10-5-2013: Discussion of Stephen Meyer's new book continues with chapters 2 & 3, which includes the Burgess Shale and fossils of Chengjiang. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Darwin's Doubt (Part 1) 9-28-2013: We will be discussing Stephen Meyer's new book. We will start with the first part of the book, describing what the problem is and a little about its history. [1] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on That Precambrian Rabbit 9-21-2013: When asked to give an example of an observation that would falsify evolution, J. B. S. Haldane is reported to have replied, "A rabbit in the Precambrian." It is actually not so easy. Several examples of potentially falsifying data that have somehow been accommodated are given (including Triassic shore birds) and all the defense mechanisms have been used, including trashing potassium-argon dating. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Christians
and Divorce Statistics 9-14-2013: There have been
claims that Evangelical Christians have a higher divorce
rate than other groups, including atheists. We will
examine these claims. |
Ariel Roth on Taking God Out of the Equation: When Science Rejected Nature's Designer (Part 2) 9-7-2013: This week we will discuss the current status, the implications of exclusiveness, and why the scientific community persists in secularism. | MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on Taking
God Out of the Equation: When Science Rejected Nature's
Designer (Part 1) 8-31-2013: A look into the history
and consequences of the secularization of science and what
the proper attitude of science toward God should be. |
Paul Giem on Don't Mess With ID 8-24-2013: During our review of the book Science and Human Origins we have noted one particular paper quoted twice. That paper claims to be partially an answer to Behe, showing that The Edge of Evolution is wrong. The authors appear to have been so anxious to prove Behe wrong that in the process they conceded a major point to ID advocates. It appears that they would have served neo-Darwinism better by not having written the article. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Science and Human Origins--Objections (Part 5) 8-17-2013: We have reviewed the book Science and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute Press). There have been critical reviews of the book. Some objections to chapter 5 are presented and discussed. [1 or ] [2] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Science
and Human Origins--Objections (Part 4) 8-10-2013: We
have reviewed the book Science
and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas
Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute
Press). There have been critical reviews of the
book. Some objections to chapter 4 are presented and
discussed. [1
or ] [2]
[4] ("Vitamin C & Evolution" was on 7-2-2011) |
Paul Giem on Science
and Human Origins--Objections (Part 3) 7-27-2013: We
have reviewed the book Science
and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas
Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute
Press). There have been critical reviews of the
book, some of which have been called to my (Paul's)
attention. Some objections to chapter 3 are
presented and discussed, including an error in the book. [1 or ] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] |
Paul Giem on Science and Human Origins--Objections (Part 2) 7-20-2013: We have reviewed the book Science and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute Press). There have been critical reviews of the book, some of which have been called to my (Paul's) attention. Some objections to chapter 3 are presented and discussed. [1 or ] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Science
and Human Origins--Objections (Part 1) 7-13-2013: We
have reviewed the book Science
and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas
Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute
Press). There have been critical reviews of the
book, some of which have been called to my (Paul's)
attention. Some objections to chapters 1 & 2 are
presented and discussed. [1 or ] [2] [3] [4] [5] |
Paul Giem on The Science of Adam and Eve (5) 7-6-2013: The book Science and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute Press) is reviewed. In the fifth chapter Gauger argues that the idea that HLA-DR requires a population of 4,000 to 100,000 and could not be compressed to 2 original people is based on faulty premises. HLA-DR instead gives evidence for intelligent design. [1 or ] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Francis
Collins, Junk DNA, and Chromosomal Fusion (4)
6-29-2013: The book Science
and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas
Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute
Press) is reviewed. In the fourth chapter Luskin
argues that the idea that shared mistakes ("junk DNA") in
human and chimpanzee DNA prove a common ancestry is
undercut by the fact that much previously supposed "junk
DNA" actually isn't useless, that fusion of human
chromosome 2 isn't proven, and it wouldn't prove common
ancestry if it were. [1 or ] [2] |
Paul Giem on Human
Origins and the Fossil Record (3) 6-22-2013: The
book Science
and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas
Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute
Press) is reviewed. In the third chapter Luskin
argues that the fossil record of hominins has been
overblown, that it is sparse, and is consistent with the
theory that there is a substantial gap between apes and
humans. [1 or ] |
Paul Giem on Darwin's
Little Engine that Couldn't (2) 6-15-2013: The book
and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas
Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute
Press) is reviewed. In the second chapter Axe argues
that recent papers make it impossible to argue that the
transition from ape to human could have plausibly happened
without intelligent assistance in the time frame
specified, noting just how much new information is in the
human genome. [1
or ] [2]
[5] |
Paul Giem on Science
and Human Origins (1) 6-8-2013: The book Science
and Human Origins by Ann Gauger, Douglas
Axe, and Casey Luskin (published by Discovery Institute
Press) is reviewed. In the first chapter Gauger
argues that recent papers make it impossible to argue that
the transition from ape to human could have plausibly
happened without intelligent assistance in the time frame
specified. [1 or ] [2] [3] [4] [5] |
Paul Giem on Evolution
Impossible 6-1-2013: The book by John F. Ashton, Evolution
Impossible: 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain
the Origin of Life on Earth, is
reviewed. Ashton is a chemist by training and is the
author of several creationist books, including In Six
Days. [Through Chapter 1] [] |
Leonard Brand on Choices:
Why it Matters What We Believe About Creation
5-25-2013: What difference does it make for our
understanding of God and our belief system if we accept
evolution through deep time? This and the reasons for it
are discussed. [1] [2] |
Paul Giem on A New Eocene Whale 5-18-2013: Whales have been held up as a major difficulty for evolution. More recently, they have been used as a good example of the predictive power of evolution. The rate of evolution of whales has recently been challenged as unrealistic. A new Eocene whale jawbone has been discovered that puts significantly tighter constraints on the evolutionary scenario. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Abortion:
Spin and Reality 5-11-2013: Abortion is considered,
paying special attention to certain common claims, such as
"Abortion is morally permissible because a woman has a
right to do what she wants with her own body"; "Abortion
should be safe, legal, and rare"; and "Abortion is morally
wrong because it kills the fetus." A synthesis is
attempted that is both philosophically defensible and
practically useful. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] |
Paul Giem on How to
Do Moth Camouflage Experiments Right 5-4-2013: The
peppered moth has been an icon of evolutionary theory for
over 50 years. Now we have a paper that shows how the
research should be done and it notes that moths actively
camouflage themselves. The article in the Journal of
Evolutionary Biology even references Jonathan Wells' book
(2000) "Icons of Evolution". [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] |
Paul Giem on Kermit
Gosnell and After-Birth Abortion 4-20-2013: The
Kermit Gosnell story is finally getting a little press. He
is charged with murder of a patient by treating her with
gross negligence and seven counts (which could be
hundreds, but for lack of records) of killing live-born
viable infants by snipping their necks with scissors. The
story is instructive, as is the relative lack of media
coverage. [1]
[2] |
Paul Giem on The
Death of Vernanimalcula 4-13-2013: Vernanimalcula
was first described in 2004. In 2012 an article claimed
that the creature was an artifact interpreted overly
optimistically by a biased observer. The general
phenomenon was discussed. [1][2][3] |
Paul Giem on Bats
Related to Whales? 4-6-2013: Bats and toothed whales
both use ultrasound to navigate and detect objects. They
also share amino acid sequences for the gene Prestin. This
leads to an interesting cladogram. Reasons for the shared
sequences, and their implication for the use of cladograms
in general, were discussed. [1]
[3] |
Paul Giem on The
Missing Presentation 3-30-2013: At the August 13-17,
2012 joint meeting of the American Geophysical Union &
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society in Singapore a paper was
presented on carbon-14 dating of dinosaurs. The paper
later disappeared from the program. However, it was
captured on video
and is (presently) on YouTube.
Contents of the paper and why it disappeared were
discussed. [1]
[3] |
Paul Giem on Origins: (13) Creation, Again 3-23-2013: Lesson 13 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (12) Creation and the Gospel 3-16-2013: Lesson 12 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Andy McIntosh on Why
Biblical Creation is Important 3-9-2013: Professor
of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory at the
University of Leeds, defender of biblical creation, and on
the Board of Directors of Truth in
Science. |
Paul Giem on Origins: (11) Sabbath: A Gift from Eden 3-2-2013: Lesson 11 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (10) Stewardship and the Environment 2-23-2013: Lesson 10 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (9) Marriage: A Gift from Eden 2-16-2013: Lesson 9 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (8) Jesus, Provider and Sustainer 2-9-2013: Lesson 8 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (7) Through a Glass, Darkly 2-2-2013: Lesson 7 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (6) Creation and the Fall 1-26-2013: Lesson 6 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (5) Creation and Morality 1-19-2013: Lesson 5 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (4) Creation, a Biblical Theme 1-12-2013: Lesson 4 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (3) The Creation Completed 1-5-2013: Lesson 3 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins: (2) Creation: Forming the World 12-29-2012: Lesson 2 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson PDF] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Origins:
(1) Jesus, Creator of Heaven and Earth 12-22-2012:
Lesson 1 of 2013 1st quarter adult Seventh-day Adventist
Bible study lesson guide. [Lesson
PDF] [Book
PDF] |
Ariel Roth on The
Grand Canyon and the Genesis Flood. Part 2: Carving the
Canyon 12-15-2012: The Grand Canyon is carved
through an uplifted plateau. Why did the Colorado River
cut the Canyon through an uplifted region instead of going
around it, as any “intelligent” river would be expected to
do? This paradox, and several others, was discussed as
eight different proposed models for the carving of the
Canyon were evaluated. |
Ariel Roth on The
Grand Canyon and the Genesis Flood. Part 1: Laying Down
the Layers 12-08-2012: Were the rock layers that
form the walls of the Grand Canyon laid down over millions
of years as suggested by conventional geology or were they
laid down by the astonishing genesis flood as implied by
the biblical account of beginnings? The discussion
includes: a time transgressive Cambrian, incredibly
widespread layers, karst in the Redwall, cracks in the
Hermit, and paraconformities that challenge the long
geologic ages. |
Paul Giem on Is
Intelligent Design Science? 12-01-2012: The
argument over intelligent design has often involved a
dispute over whether it is science. While an idea may be
true but not science, a good case can be made that
Intelligent Design is in fact not only science, but the
best scientific explanation for certain phenomena. A
10-minute video is presented and discussed. |
Paul Giem on Is Human Intellect Degenerating? 11-24-2012: Gerald Crabtree, a pathology professor at Stanford, has written an article which says that the Athenians of 1000 BC were smarter than we are, in terms of raw intelligence. We have the advantage of education, but our genetic material has been degenerating. The evidence for his assertion and its implications are discussed. [1 or 1] [2] [3] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Theistic Evolution: Is It a Valid Option? 11-17-2012: 17th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Lael Caesar) discusses theistic evolution and the theological difficulties common to all forms of maintaining long ages while arguing that God had a hand in the process, from supervising it intensely to setting it up and letting it run. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Creationism is Not Appropriate for Children 11-10-2012: A video by Bill Nye ("The Science Guy") entitled "Creationism is Not Appropriate for Children" has now gone viral. The video is analyzed and its popularity is discussed. It gives a window into the thinking of the average contemporary educated person. [1] [40 min. on C2C AM] | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Genetic
Engineering 11-3-2012: The theory and practical
aspects of genetic engineering are discussed. Attention is
paid to the current controversy over genetically modified
foods (Prop
37 in California) and an application to the
intelligent design controversy is made. [1]
[4] |
Paul Giem on Social Darwinism: Some Consequences of Evolutionary Thinking 10-27-2012: 16th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Reinder Bruinsma) discusses social darwinism, eugenics (including Dr. Kellogg's involvement), the Nazi experiment, and the involvement of German Adventists with that experiment. | MP4 OGV |
David Newman on The
Real Last Warning Message 10-20-2012: David Newman
is past editor of Ministry
Magazine, and present editor of Adventist Today.
He will be discussing what he sees as God's final message
for earth. |
Paul Giem on A Survey of Scientific Opinion Critical of Evolutionary Theory 10-13-2012: 14th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by L. James Gibson) looks at a range of opinions expressed by scientists regarding the content and implication of evolutionary theory, including its a priori assumptions. | MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on The Genesis Flood and the Geological Record 10-6-2012: 15th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Ariel Roth) notes that there are a lot of geologic data that corroborate the biblical account of beginnings. Some of it is even very difficult to explain in the context of long geological ages. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Natural Limits of Neo-Darwinian Evolution 9-29-2012: 13th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by John C. Walton) discusses Darwinism as a big theory in the tradition of gravity, electromagnetic theory, and atomic theory that, like them, needs qualification. He discusses the scientific weaknesses of evolution as a prediction-making theory, using the examples of junk DNA, the tree of life, and gradualism, concluding that the theory should be downsized. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The 2012
ENCODE Papers and Junk DNA 9-22-2012: The 2012
ENCODE data indicate a function for about 80% of the DNA
in the human genome. The methodology suggests a function
for the other 20%. The paradigm of "junk DNA" appears to
be collapsing, corresponding to documented predictions of
intelligent design advocates and contrary to the
expectations of most scientists. [1]
[5] |
Paul Giem on The Heavens Are Telling: A Biblically Informed Cosmology 9-15-2012: 12th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Grenville J. R. Kent) discusses the "habitable zone", briefly the idea that our planet is close to optimal for observation, that the universe is fine-tuned, and that Psalm 19 echoes Genesis 1 and contains the elements of the gospel. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Intelligent Design: Evidence from Molecular Biology 9-8-2012: 11th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Timothy G. Standish) argues that design in nature is detectable, that counterarguments using infinite chances have inherent weaknesses (which if successful, would destroy science), that evil design is still design, and that intelligent design, while not sufficient, is still necessary. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Christ and Creation: Implications of a Christocentric Understanding 9-1-2012: 10th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by William G. Johnsson) looks at the implications that the understanding of the identity of Jesus Christ has on the creation-evolution controversy and outlines seven problems that result when one attempts to graft evolution onto Christianity. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The New Testament Use of the Genesis Text 8-25-2012: 9th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Steven Thompson) looks at the theological use of the Genesis creation story in the New Testament and also outlines the (pagan) philosophical background against which that use was made. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Biblical Theology and the Doctrine of Creation 8-18-2012: 8th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Paul B. Petersen) argues that Genesis, especially Creation, forms a necessary background for the rest of the Bible. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem
on Bacterial Evolution at Georgia Tech 8-11-2012:
An announcement from Georgia Tech discusses the evolution
of a "500-million-year-old gene" that was "resurrected"
and placed in a bacterium. We discuss what this
"resurrection" is, how the data fit in with various models
of origins, and how to read scientific announcements.
References [1]
[4] |
Paul Giem on Understanding the "When" of Creation in Genesis 1-2 8-4-2012: 7th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Richard Davidson) discusses the time when the events of Genesis 1 and 2 took place, and the extent of those events. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Origins of Genesis Reconsidered 7-28-2012: 6th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Bryan Ball) discusses the now standard documentary hypothesis of the Pentateuch, and presents another documentary hypothesis with better support from ancient scribal traditions, with some points of contact with the standard one but with diametrically opposed conclusions as to the reliability of the Pentateuch in general and Genesis 1 in particular. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on A Theological Reading of Genesis 1 7-21-2012: 5th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Laurence Turner) discusses the theology implicit in Genesis, compares and contrasts it with that of other middle eastern theologies, and discusses the relationship between Genesis and the sanctuary. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Genesis, the Canon, and Biblical Theology 7-14-2012: 4th in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by H. Ross Cole) notes that Genesis introduces not only Biblical history, but the mindset of the rest of the canon and multiple theological themes, many of which are foundational to the rest of the Scriptures. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on
Ben Carson and Emory
University 7-7-2012: Ben Carson, MD, was invited
to speak at the graduation ceremonies at Emory University
this year. Then some biology professors objected
because he disagreed with the grand theory of evolution
and what he viewed as its implications. Emory
University allowed him to speak, but promised to vet any
future speakers. References [1]
[4] |
Paul Giem on The Word Speaks for Itself: A Theology of Scripture 6-30-2012: 3rd in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Jo Ann Davidson) discusses the Bible's view of itself, and argues for a high view of Scripture, including verbal and propositional content. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Transmission and Credibility of the Genesis Text 6-23-2012: 2nd in a series on the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball). This chapter (by Robert K. McIver) discusses the transmission of the Biblical text, the care taken in copying the Scriptures, and the confidence we may have that the Bible we now read has preserved the message that was initially put there. Subtopics include the massoretes and their methods, early translations, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Revelation and the Authority of Scripture 6-16-2012: Initial discussion of the book "In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation" (edited by Bryan W. Ball) starting with the first chapter by Bryan W. Ball. (PDF of Table of Contents, Introduction, & Chapter 1) | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem
on What Not to Learn
from Galileo 6-9-2012: Galileo is often used to
prove that when religion and science conflict, religion
always loses. Therefore, religion should just give
up when faced with such a conflict. This tradition
goes back at least to the mid-1800s with the works of
John Draper and Andrew Dickson White. But, as we
shall see, it is wrong.
"Does Religion Always Lose?"
(PDF) |
Paul Giem on
Galileo and Scripture
6-2-2012: One of Galileo's two heresies, according to
Maurice Finocchiaro, was reportedly that he believed that
the Bible was not a scientific authority. The
accuracy of that charge, and the implications of Galileo's
way of interpreting scripture, are explored. |
Paul Giem on
Galileo, the Church, and
Andrew Dickson White 5-26-2012: Andrew Dickson
White drew from the story of Galileo and the Church that
the claim of papal infallibility had been discredited once
and for all. The factual basis of that claim is
examined. |
Bull, Fritz Guy, and Paul Giem on "raqia'" - What Does It
Mean and Why Does It Matter? 5-19-2012: Brian
Bull presented background information on definitions and
use while Fritz Guy listened and chimed in periodically.
Paul Giem presented more information on uses of the word
and word root and posed questions. Discussion between
the 3 and including the attendees ensued.
Paul Giem on
The Myth of Galileo's
Torture 5-12-2012: It is commonly believed, for
what used to be good reason, that Galileo was jailed and
tortured for his belief that the earth moved. New
documents indicate that he was not tortured, and probably
was not jailed. The implications of this information for
the study of history are discussed. |
Zoutewelle on Dutch
Debate on the Origin of Man 5-5-2012: The first
part of the lecture deals with the current debate in the
Netherlands: "Why Should We Accept Theistic
Evolution?" In the second part an overview of
possible arguments is presented including a case study on
the sediments of the Olduvai Gorge. |
Paul Giem on
Controversy over Teaching
the Controversy 4-28-2012: Tennessee has just
followed Louisiana's example by enacting a law that allows
for teaching the controversy about certain politically
charged scientific subjects. Some claim there is no
controversy over evolution. A thoughtful evaluation
of the arguments suggests that what we have is a
controversy over religion rather than science. |
MP4 M4V |
Priebe on Red in Tooth
and Claw 4-21-2012: Who created the
predators? God? Satan? Natural
selection? What do nature and inspiration tell us
about this widespread element of the natural world? |
Paul Giem on
Flood Stories and Genesis
4-14-2012: The Genesis Flood story is often alleged to be
a copy of the flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The
Atra-Hasis epic, the Eridu Genesis epic, and another early
Flood story from Sumer are compared with Genesis, which
appears to be closest to the earliest account. Reference
links: 1
4 |
Baumgardner on Catastrophic
Plate Tectonics - Key to Understanding the Genesis Flood
4-7-2012: Simulation data and its correspondence with
observational data as part of multiple lines of evidence
pointing toward a short period of geologic history on
Earth. Presentation of 1 hour followed by another
hour of questions and answers. |
Paul Giem,
Brian Bull, and Fritz Guy review and discuss God, Sky,
and Land: Genesis 1 as the Ancient Hebrews Heard It
3-31-2012: Paul presented the contents, some strengths and
weaknesses of the book, and what he saw as its main
thesis. Brian and Fritz then responded, followed by
a panel discussion and audience questions and answers. |
Ariel Roth
introduces 1268
PowerPoint slides prepared for students and teachers
regarding origins 3-24-2012: A review of the deep
questions students, teachers, and many others face in the
origins conflict. Icons will include: the origin of life;
age of the universe, the earth, and life; as well as the
sequence of the fossils. This presentation will serve as
an introduction of the 1268 PowerPoint slide resource
prepared especially for the students and teachers in
Adventist schools, and for all those who wonder if science
and/or the Bible is true? |
Ariel Roth on
The Fine-tuned Universe
3-17-2012: The incredible precision of the universe is
often overlooked in discussion about science and God. The
topic is also too often neglected in the Adventist
conversation. This topic will be introduced by a video
prepared for the general viewer and will also serve as an
introduction to the 14 video series entitled
"Where Is Truth?: In
the Bible, in Science, or Both?" |
Paul Giem on
Carbon-14 and Egyptian
History 3-10-2012: Christopher Bronk Ramsey et
al. documented in Science a massive number of radiocarbon
dates on material from various Egyptian dynasties.
Some of the difficulties the data raise for the dating of
the Santorini eruption and for various theories of the
Exodus are considered. |
Paul Giem on
Peter Gleick and Truth
3-3-2012: Peter Gleick, who had connections to the
National Center for Science Education, has been involved
in unethically obtaining documents from the Heartland
Institute. The story has important implications for
telling the truth, and whether the cause of truth can be
served by lying. |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (part 18) - How Reliable is Radiometric Dating? (chapter by Clyde Webster) 2-25-2012: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (part 17) - How Can I Live Without Having All the Answers? (chapter by Gary Burdick) 2-18-2012: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
John Sanford
on Down - Not Up
2-11-2012; from Cornell University, inventor of the "gene
gun" among other ways to get foreign genes into
cells. His studies into genetics led him to conclude
that natural selection was unable to purify the genome,
let alone create new complex genetic designs. He
also concluded that large, slowly breeding animals like
humans and elephants could not last for millions of years
without direct Divine intervention, and he is thus a
short-age creationist. He wrote a book called Genetic Entropy and the
Mystery of the Genome (2005) explaining his
reasoning. |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (part 16) - Can a Christian Be a Good Scientist? (chapter by John Ashton) 2-4-2012: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (part 15) - What Are the Moral Implications of Darwinism? (chapter by Earl Aagaard) 1-28-2012: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (part 14) - Where Do Humans Come From? (chapter by Ronny [Ronald] Nalin) 1-21-2012: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Brian Bull on
The Date, the Pharaoh,
and the Route of the Exodus - What this Narrative Tells
Us About the Nature of the Biblical Record
1-14-2012 |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (Part 13) - How Do Dinosaurs Fit in a Biblical Perspective? (chapter by Raul Esperante) 1-7-2012: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (Part 12) - What Does the Fossil Record Tell Us? (chapter by Roberto Biaggi) 12-31-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (Part 11) - Where Did Life Come From? (chapter by George Javor) 12-24-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Ben Clausen on Understanding Creation (Part 10) - How do Plate Tectonics Relate to the Bible? 12-17-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Leonard Brand on Understanding Creation (Part 9) - Is the Theory of Evolution Scientific? 12-10-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (Part 8) - What is the Difference Between Data and Interpretation? (chapter by Elaine Kennedy) 12-3-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (Part 7) - What are the Meaning and Implications of the Big Bang Theory? (chapter by Mart de Groot) 11-26-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | MP4 OGV |
Timothy Standish on Understanding Creation (part 6) - What is the Evidence for a Creator? 11-19-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Humberto Rasi & James Gibson (editors) on Understanding Creation (Part 5) 11-12-2011: The chapter by Humberto Rasi entitled "Why Do Different Scientists Interpret Reality Differently?" and the chapter by James Gibson entitled "What Is Creation Theory?" (and a portion of "Does the Theory of Evolution Explain the Diversity of Life?" - Dave Cowles) will be discussed. Reference: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Robert Piccioni on Science and Faith 11-05-2011: Cosmologist, physicist, public speaker, and radio host Robert Piccioni discusses the interaction of science and faith. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on Understanding Creation (Part 4) - Can I Believe in a Worldwide Flood? 10-29-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (Part 3) - How Can We Interpret the First Chapters of Genesis? (chapter by Randall Younker) 10-22-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (Part 2) - Are the Bible and Science in Conflict? (chapter by David Ekkens) 10-15-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. (Comments and discussion included mention of the "Joint Proposal of individual La Sierra University Faculty and Trustees" and covered questions regarding who did or didn't put their names on it.) | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Understanding Creation (Part 1) - When Did Creation Occur? 10-08-2011: Gibson JL, Rasi HM, eds., 2011. Understanding Creation. PPPA. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (part 9) - The Merneptah Stele 10-01-2011: There are 5 theories about the Merneptah Stele, and two theories that it disproves. The Stele is presented and the theories are explored. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (8 of 9) - Shishak 9-24-2011: If the Middle Kingdom of Egypt ended with the Exodus, then the New Kingdom will need to have its dates adjusted also. Two hypotheses regarding Shishak, king of Egypt (traditional ID of Sheshonq I), one by Velikovsky and Courville that he is really Thutmose III, and one by Rohl that he is really Rameses II. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (7 of 9) - Joseph's Famine 9-17-2011: A discussion of the evidence for famines in Egypt and the placement of Joseph in Egyptian history. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (6 of 9) - Hazor 9-10-2011: An in-depth discussion of the archaeological evidence at Hazor, and its relation to where the conquest should be put in the archaeology of the Holy Land. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (5 of 9) - Shechem 9-3-2011: An in-depth discussion of the archaeological evidence at Shechem, and its relation to where the conquest should be put in the archaeology of the Holy Land. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (4 of 9) - Jericho 8-27-2011: An in-depth discussion of the archaeological evidence at Jericho, and its relation to where the conquest should be put in the archaeology of the Holy Land. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (3 of 9) 8-20-2011: An in-depth discussion of the archaeological evidence at Yarmuth and at Ai, and its relation to where the conquest should be put in the archaeology of the Holy Land. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (2 of 9) 8-13-2011: A historical development of the revised chronology is presented, with variants discussed, implicit predictions noted, and subsequent developments outlined. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on The Exodus Problem (1 of 9) 8-6-2011: The problem of finding the Exodus in Egyptian history, and the related problem of finding the Conquest in the archaeology of the Levant (Israel, Palestine, and Jordan), are discussed. | FLV MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on
Flat Gaps in the Rocks
Challenge the Long Geologic Ages 7-30-2011 |
Sean Pitman
on Intelligent Design -
Faith or Religion (sic - Science)? 7-23-2011 |
Ariel Roth on
The Bible and Science -
Sixteen Discussions Serving as Resources for Students
and Teachers (2 of 2) 7-16-2011 |
Ariel Roth on
The Bible and Science -
Sixteen Discussions Serving as Resources for Students
and Teachers (1 of 2) 7-9-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Vitamin C and Evolution
7-2-2011 |
Paul Giem on
The Genetic Similarity
Between Chimps and Humans 6-25-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Christianity Today and La
Sierra 6-18-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Bad Design and the Eye
6-11-2011 |
Paul Giem on
The Real Problem with
Evolution 6-4-2011 |
Paul Giem on
The Evolution of Altruism
5-28-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Should Evolutionists
Fight Religion? Two Atheist Perspectives 5-7-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Complex Specified
Information: The Bottom Line 4-30-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Evolution Works! A
Demonstration 4-23-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Anticreationists and
Synthese 4-16-2011 |
Brian Bull on
The Genesis Flood Account
- Exploring the Influence of the Prophet's Community
4-9-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Whales and Evolution
4-2-2011 |
Paul Giem on
La Sierra University
Apologizes 3-26-2011 |
Sadun Engin
on Islamic views on
creation and problems with evolution 3-19-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Is There Plenty of Time
for Evolution? 3-12-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Arguments ID Opponents
Should Not Use (2 of 2) 2-26-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Arguments ID Opponents
Should Not Use (1 of 2) 2-19-2011 |
Leonard Brand
on Insights From
Hindsight: Resolving Seeming Conflicts Between Science
and Scripture 2-12-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Intelligent Design-Based
Articles in the Peer-Reviewed Literature 2-5-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Reaction to Michael Behe
in the Peer-Reviewed Literature 01-29-2011 |
Paul Giem on Michael Behe in the Peer-Reviewed Literature 01-22-2011 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on
Arsenic-based Life
01-15-2011 |
Clyde Webster
on Scientific Challenges
& How to Deal With Conflict - An Example: Uranium
Roll-front Deposits 01-08-2011 |
Paul Giem on
The Documentary
Hypothesis of the Pentateuch 01-01-2011 |
Paul Giem on
Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (by John
Sanford) - (6 of 6) 12-18-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (by John
Sanford) - (5 of 6) 12-11-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (by John
Sanford) - (4 of 6) 12-04-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (by John
Sanford) - (3 of 6) 11-27-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (by John
Sanford) - (2 of 6) 11-20-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (by John
Sanford) - (1 of 6) 11-13-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Will the Real 10
Commandments Please Stand Up? 11-06-2010 |
Leonard Brand
on Fossil Vertebrate
Trackways in the Permian Coconino Sandstone, Arizona
10-30-2010 |
Ariel Roth on
The Fossil Termite Nest
Controversy 10-23-2010 |
Brian Bull on
The Ancient World was
Poisoned by Lead. We are Doing Worse! (Ancient
and Modern Lead Contamination and Ice Cores) 10-16-2010 |
Leonard Brand
on Open Our Eyes Lord:
Research Inspired by a Biblical World View -
Fossil Turtles 10-9-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Augustine and the Literal
Meaning of Genesis 10-2-2010 |
Paul Giem on
What is being Taught
About Creation/Evolution in Our Schools?
9-25-2010 |
Paul Giem on
What Should We Teach
About Creation/Evolution in Our Schools? - Biblical and
Theological Considerations 9-18-2010 |
Paul Giem on
What Should We Teach
About Creation/Evolution in Our Schools? - Scientific
Evidence 9-11-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Considerations on What to Teach About Creation/Evolution
in Our Schools 9-4-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Ice Cores and Time
8-28-2010 |
Ariel Roth on
Coral Reefs and Time
8-21-2010 |
Ariel Roth on
Fossil Reefs and Time
8-14-2010 |
Paul Giem on
John Harvey Kellogg and
Ellen White 8-7-2010 |
Paul Giem on
La Sierra and Battle
Creek College 7-31-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Craig Venter and
Intelligent Design 07-24-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Evidences for Long Age
Radio Halos and Fission Tracks 7-17-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Utah Sandstone Formations
7-17-2010 |
Clyde L.
Webster on Speciman
Creek Ridge 7-10-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Uranium Disequilibrium
Dating 7-3-2010 |
Ariel Roth
Report on General
Conference 7-3-2010 |
Nick Miller
on Teaching of Evolution
in SDA Schools 6-26-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Uranium, Thorium, Lead
Dating 6-19-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Isochron Dating
6-12-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Potassium-Argon Dating
6-5-2010 |
Michael Arct
on Yellowstone Fossil
Forests 5-29-2010 |
David Read on
5-22-2010 |
Ben Clausen
on Radiometric Dating
5-15-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Yellowstone Fossil
Forests (2 of 2) 5-8-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Yellowstone Fossil
Forests (1 of 2) 5-1-2010 |
Ariel Roth on
Sequence in the Fossil
Record: Does it Reflect Gradual Evolution?
4-24-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Paleocurrents - Evidence
of a Global Flood? 4-17-2010 |
Paul Giem on
Radio Halos in Coal:
Creationism Published in Science
4-10-2010 |
Paul Giem on Beryllium 10 - A "Failed" Dating Method 4-3-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on An Anomaly in the Carbon-14 Calibration Curve and Its Implications 3-27-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Mitochondrial Eve 3-20-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Salt in the Sea 3-13-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Carbon 14 in Fossil Carbon 3-6-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem & Ariel Roth on The Genesis Flood and Soft Sediments 2-27-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Anita Oliver on Worldviews: Cultural Negotiations or Essential Principles 2-20-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Fossil DNA 2-13-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Fossil Protein 2-6-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Amino Acid Dating 1-30-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on Paraconformities: Flat Gaps in the Rock Layers that Challenge the Long Geologic Ages 1-23-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Sean Pitman on Entropy and Design: Thermodynamic vs. Genetic 1-16-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on The Case for Short Age 1-9-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on A Review/Overview of Signature in the Cell 1-2-2010 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (13 of 14) 12-26-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (12 of 14) 12-19-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (11 of 14) 12-12-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (10 of 14) 12-5-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (9 of 14) 11-28-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (8 of 14) 11-21-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (7 of 14) 11-14-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on LSU Trustee Statement Re: 6 Day Creation 11-14-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (6 of 14) 11-7-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on How Natural Selection Interferes with Evolution 10-31-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Paul Giem on Signature in the Cell (5 of 14) 10-17-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Ariel Roth on Is Creation Science an Oxymoron? 10-10-2009 | FLV MP4 OGV |
Robert Cruise & Elissa |